~ Chapter 32 ~

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Thursday, October 30th 1997

Tomorrow it will be a year since the party.
The party that changed everything.
The party that ended everything.

It's hard to say how well we'll all cope with things, but hopefully the day goes smoothly.

As it also Halloween tomorrow, there is a big party being thrown by some college students; everyone is invited.

Personally, I'd love to go... I'm just worried that it's all going to happen again. I keep telling myself that it won't.

I cant let that incident rule over me, I have to begin living in the present, not the past.

I'm going.

That's my final decision.

I'm now hoping that my friends will decide to go, there's no way I'm going alone; I don't know that many people. My group currently consists of: Randy, Sidney, Stu, Hallie, Derek and Mickey.

I'm happy to see that Sid and Derek seem to be getting along quite nicely; they are extremely close and I can see a relationship blossoming already. I smile whenever I see them two together.

Mickey is still just as confusing as he was when I first met him, I just can't seem to wrap my head around him. I'm convinced he shows an interest to any girl that he can... well, maybe not every girl, but he certainly shows an interest towards Hallie and myself. Neither of us like Mickey in that way, but Hallie does ease into the flow of things a little; she flirts with him. Perhaps they do have a connection? Honestly, I hope that they get together, purely because it'll get Mickey off my back. I'm with Randy and he's the only man that I need.


Friday, October 31st 1997

The sky was cloudy and grey; the leaves were a burnt orange colour, each one fell from the heights of the tree's branches, covering the ground beneath them. The wind was noticeable stronger today, things felt strange.

Hallie and Sid weren't awake yet, no alarms had gone off. It was still early, I can't sleep.

As I stare blankly at the ceiling, one minute my mind would flutter from thought to thought, and then the next, I would struggle to conjure any thoughts at all.

I cant quite put into words this feeling that I'm experiencing. It's not bad nor good, it isn't sad nor happy. I suppose the best way to describe it is, I feel 'meh'. A bit iffy, if you will.

How strange.

"Psst.. y/n?" Sidney whispered from her bed. "Yeh?" I thought she was asleep, but apparently not.

"I'm struggling to sleep, same for you?" She questioned. "Yeh, I don't know how to explain the way I feel..." I continued. "Don't worry, I feel the same" Sid sent me an empathetic smile from across the gloomy dorm room.

I checked the time on the clock next to me, we have a whole 45 mins before our alarms go off.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked Sidney, thinking it would do us good to clear our minds.

She enthusiastically agreed to the walk, the fresh air will be relaxing for us.


"..honestly things are great, Randy gets better by the day!" A constant smile was present on my face; just thinking about my love made me fill with joy and delight. "I'm glad that you two have stuck together.." Sidney sounded genuinely happy for us, she then put on a slight voice, as if she was announcing something important, "..and the award for cutest couple goes to... drum roll please..." she paused whilst I began creating a drum roll by slapping my legs, "..Randy and Y/n!!" Us two laughed and continued talking about relationships.

"So... you and Derek?" I curiously questioned, turning to Sid with a smirk painted across my lips. "I knew you'd ask.." She sighed, "I think he's brilliant, but I'm confused as to why I'm trusting him so quickly..." Sid looked down at the ground, her smile fading.

I stopped walking, which made Sid stop too. Turning to face her, I grabbed her arms, "Sid look at me, Derek isn't going to hurt you... trust me, you wouldn't have eased into him so fast if he was a bad guy.. you can just tell with that sort of stuff" I sent her a half smile before giving her a massive hug, full of comfort and care. "Thanks y/n.." she squeezed me whilst hugging. "I think you should talk to Derek about how you feel... I've seen the way you look at him with those eyes" I winked at Sidney after speaking. "Yeh.. maybe I will" she giggled.


From that point onwards - for the rest of the morning - I'd almost completely forgot about the Woodsboro murders.

Well, that was the case until-

"Y/N!" Mickey shouted at me whilst speeding over; I'd only just left my first class of the day. He held a camera in his left hand, grasping it tight as if he was prepared to start filming at any given moment. "..Mickey, hi" I gave him a rather awkward chuckle, he seamed eager about something. I would've been much more enthusiastic but I'm tired. Simple as that.

Mickey held up the camera, facing it at me, "you don't mind do you?" He asked, but before I had chance to answer, he'd already began asking another question. Here we go...

"How do you feel today? Feeling strange?" He questioned so innocently that I couldn't even tell whether or not he was implying about what happened in Woodsboro. "Um.. yeh I'm fine, why would I not be doing fine?" I again finished my sentence with an awkward giggle, fiddling my fingers.

Us two were now outside, I could see the rest of our group (minus Randy) sat down at the usual spot by the big tree.

"I just thought because of last year and all... maybe they'll make a movie one day? So I think keeping a log on your feelings will help them produce some realistic stuff" And there it is, of course, Mickey has to be the one to bring it up. You can tell he's a film student, planning future movies.

Something about him shoving a camera in my face, and asking about my past made me feel uneasy, uncomfortable and slightly under pressure. It made me nervous. My mind flashed back to the previous year, constantly being questioned by hungry reporters was a common, everyday thing. I don't want to go back there again.

I raised my hand to politely dismiss Mickey's so-called 'interview'. But he wasn't so easily persuaded, and continued to attempt to retrieve answers from me.

A pair of recognisable arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me from behind. "That'll be enough now Mickey" Randy spoke sternly, causing Mickey to sigh at the apparent inconvenience. "Right, fine.." he clicked a button on the camera, "..I'll see you both around" Randy and I said our brief goodbyes before focusing our attention on each other. "So, how's my love doing today?" I turned to Randy, kissing him on the lips before he answered. "I'm doing pretty damn good... things are even better now I'm with you" he smiled through his words. I giggled at his somewhat cheesy reply. "And how are you doing?" He questioned. "Much better now you're here.." I giggled, copying what he'd said previously. We both laughed for a second whilst pulling each other in for a tight hug.


"..so, who's up for the party tonight?" One of the well dressed, popular girls asked. I silently turned to look at the rest of my group, waiting to see their reply. "I think I've got some wor-" Sidney began to talk but Hallie cut her off, "all of us will be there!"

"Omg, Sidney Prescott.. at one of our parties?! It's a true honour" the girl almost shrieked out of excitement. "Well, we'll see you all later, gotta go.. bye!" They blew a kiss before walking away.

I guess that's settled then, it's party time tonight!
Word count: 1344

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