~ Chapter 9 ~

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A/N: Thank you so much for over 100 reads in such a short amount of time! I really do appreciate the support and your feedback is always appreciated. I hope everyone is having an amazing day/night, enjoy the story my lovelies <3

Monday, September 30th 1996

Randy and I had spent the whole of today cuddled up on the couch watching horror movies. Yes the movies were extremely entertaining, but my mind kept getting distracted by Randy. And in specific, the encounter I had with him earlier on. I teased him, testing the waters almost. The good thing is, we are both very comfortable with it.

We'd also been talking about my family, those who live in France. I haven't spoken to any of my new friends about that side of my family. I have a grandma and an aunt. I received news that my grandma was sick.. so I was telling Randy about it. I was reassured that it's not too serious and she'll make a swift recovery, I'll be visiting them soon I hope.

"Noo! Don't say that you'll be right bac- SEE THERES THE KILLER! God.. so stupid" I snapped out of my thoughts by Randy shouting at the current movie. He does that a lot, personally I think it's one of his cutest traits.

I decided I wanted to tease Randy a little, but this time, not in a romantic way... "wait, why can't she say 'I'll be right back' ?" Randy almost instantly turned to me in shock. "Y/n.. don't play with me.. you know the rules".

It's true. I do in fact know the rules on how to successfully survive a horror movie.. but I decided to act like I didn't so Randy would go off on a rant. I enjoyed listening to him passionately talk about horror.

"Hmm, let me think... nope, I don't know the rules." I turned to Randy with a smirk. He knew that I was only kidding but still decided to go along with it. "Jesus Christ! You don't know the rules?!" This time when he spoke, he overly exaggerated his words, which earned a giggle from myself. Randy paused the movie, got up and began his speech...

"There are certain rules, which one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie.." I smiled at him, and paid full attention to him in this moment. "..for instance, rule number one, no sex! Sex = death, okay?" I booed at him, "aww but that's no fun!!" I said with a whine and a laugh. Randy playfully shushed me and returned to delivering his speech, "..Big no no! Okay rule number two, no drinking or doing drugs, it's a sin factor! It's an extension of number one.." Again I booed at Randy, to which he jokingly shushed me for a second time. "..and rule number three, listen up for this one y/n. Never ever EVER, under any circumstances say 'I'll be right back' because you won't be back"

I clapped and cheered in reaction to Randy's little rules speech. He took his seat beside me again, "I hope you learned something from that.." "oh yes, I did, thanks" we both laughed.

I got up straight after, "where are you going?" Randy asked, curiously. "I'm just going to grab a blanket from upstairs.." I reached the entrance to the living room, and turned my head back towards Randy, ".. I'll be right baaacckk!!" I mocked ((think of how Stu said it in the movie)).

As soon as he heard those words, Randy was up on his feet and ran towards me "oh no you didn't.." I turned and ran away from him, "oh yes I did!" I shouted back in reply, whilst rushing up the stairs.

Randy was quick to follow me. I burst through my bedroom door and just when I went to shut it, Randy had already tackled me onto my bed. Sounds of laughed and giggling filled the air, this was such a great moment, the feeling I got with Randy was like no other...

We both paused, noticing the obvious tension. The good kind of tension of course. I was laying on my back on the bed while Randy towered over me, holding me down. My eyes trailed up his whole entire body, and then I met with his bright blue eyes.. I bit my lip, "soo.. tell me mister, what are you going to do now..?" I smirked whilst asking such question, as I allowed both my hands to hold the back of his neck. Randy smiled, "how about... this". He began to playfully attack me, he tickled me and showered me in nibbles and kisses.

I could hardly form a sentence as I was interrupted by my own laughter each time I tried. Randy stopped for a brief moment, admiring me. "You're so beautifu-" Now that he was least expecting it, I wrapped my legs around his waist and managed to flip him over. Now he was the one laying on his back, I took my place comfortably straddling his mid section. "Now that... that was smooth y/n.." He commented, almost in shock. "Well, you have to expect the unexpected!"

I leaned forwards, bringing my face closer to Randy's. He brought his hands up and gently placed them on my waist. I smirked at him, "you're getting the hang of this". He then slightly moved his hands further down and began to softly rub my hips, and the tops of my thighs. I let out a giggle in reaction to this new sensation.

Randy wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, but he could infer from my reaction, that it was the right thing.

I took my right hand and caressed Randy's jawline and neck with my fingers. This whole time, our gazes had been moving back and forth between each other's eyes and lips. Was this an opportunity to tell him how I feel about him? I mean, it's pretty obvious he feels the same way about me... but I'm scared to risk it.

As if he read my mind I heard Randy speak up, "y/n, you are the most beautiful and funny girl I've ever known in my entire existance. And I'm sure you know it, but you make me feel something.. sorry this may come across in a weird way, but fuck it, I'll just say it.. y/n I lik-" I didn't even allow him to finish his sentence, my lips were on his.

We moved perfectly in sync with one another. The more our lips moved, so did our bodies. His hands explored me as the kiss grew more and more intense and heated.

Randy sat up, changing his position. I stayed straddling him. The kiss wasn't even broken once while we shuffled around. We both hesitantly pulled away after a few minutes more, practically gasping for air. Our foreheads touched as we allowed ourselves to relax. "And if it wasn't obvious enough already, I like you too Randy" I gave him another quick kiss as I ran my fingers through his, now even messier brown hair.

Ring ring ring.
The sound of Randy's cellphone ringing brought us both utter dissatisfaction. He pulled it out of his pocket with a groan of inconvenience and answered it. "Hi mom .. yep .. uh-huh .. will do .. see you soon .. bye .. yes yes I love you too" I smiled at him. "What did she say?" I asked. "Oh she was just wondering if I was here, and also wanted to know why I wasn't at school, she wants me to get home as soon as possible..." he told me. "No worries, you can go, I'm sure I'll be fine, you can always call me later on if you want to talk for a bit?" Randy looked at me while I spoke, and then he said, "I wish we had more time to talk about.. us. But I think it would mean more if we sorted that out when we had more time" Randy booped my nose, which earned a giggle from me.. "I agree with you, we can talk tomorrow morning?" He nodded his head at me, "yeh I'll be over to pick you up seen as Stu is at Tatum's house"'

Randy held me with a firm grip as he stood up. He carried me all the way downstairs, before placing me back down. "I really wish I didn't have to go, y/n.. I feel bad" Randy looked straight at me while he spoke. I cupped his face with my hands, "hey, don't worry, we can finish our moment another time" I winked at him then placed kiss on his lips.

"Okay, call me if you need me at all. Have a nice night, y/n" I stood at my front door as Randy made his way over to his car saying his goodbyes. "Yeh goodnight Randy, same goes to you, I'm always just one phone call away!".

I waved as Randy pulled out of my driveway and made his way home. I returned back inside and locked up for the night.

I sigh in relief, knowing that me and Randy feel the same way about each other.. we just needed to make this official. Which we can hopefully do tomorrow.

I was putting away the DVDs that we'd watched that day, and then I proceeded turned everything off. It wasn't too late, but I was pretty tired and decided to go get some well needed sleep.

I had managed to get halfway up the stairs and then, ring ring ring.. it was the house phone. I suspected that it couldn't have been Randy, as he would still be driving.. my only other guess was Stu.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone and held it close to my ear. "Hello again y/n ... missed me?"
Word count: 1603

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now