~ Chapter 20 ~

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Wednesday, October 30th 1996

My friends and I all attended school today. Everything went pretty smoothly; questions were being asked by the reporters who scattered themselves around the school grounds. It's a normal thing now, they are always here to get any information that they can. Most of them don't understand the concept of 'personal space', which leads to them shoving their mics and cameras in our faces. As annoying as that may be, we've all learnt to deal with it. We've all accepted this new way of life; no matter how horrible it may be, we have no other option.

There's been talk of a curfew that may be put in place, nothing is for certain as of right now though. Principal Himbry informed us that if another attack occurs, then this curfew will be set. But until then, we are free to carry on living life as normal as what we can, given the current situation.

I'm not going to lie, I'm feeling rather lucky that my friends and I are all still alive. I've been attacked twice, Stu was with me for the most recent one. Randy was with me when the killer called me one time.. that was back in September, right before the murder of Casey and Steve. Billy, Tatum, Sidney, and Randy haven't been attacked by this ghostface guy. But I believe Sidney has received a few calls, which were all proven to be pranks... or so we think, because the guy on he phone never physically appeared afterwards.

I'm still confused as to why the police haven't managed to find this killer, or.. killers rather. I can't believe we are dealing with two of them. I've still got my suspicions on Billy, but just recently he seems to be quite.. happy. Which is strange for Billy but I'm not complaining. I don't see what would drive him to commit such crimes, so for now I'm just going to hope that it's not him.

After school, I walked home with Stu. He wasn't heading straight to Tatum's, he's going to stay at home with me for about an hour before he goes there for the night. "Hey, you sure you'll be alright tonight?" Stu asked, sounding genuinely worried about what could happen to me. "Look Stu, I appreciate the concern.. but I've survived that sick fuck twice now, I'll be fine.. I promise".

Randy was working a shift at the video store, he will be working late but I said I'd come visit him at one point this evening. I'm praying that Karen Kolcheck won't be trying to hit on him again.. although when she does, Randy hardly notices so just acts normal with her. He's quite oblivious to that sort of stuff. And on the rare occasion that he actually does realise what's going on, he backs away out of pure loyalty; he's admitted that he feels rather uncomfortable when anyone other than me tries to flirt with him.. which is highly understandable! I'm the same.. although, the guys who hit on me are much more pushy so I end up having to do a lot more than just ignoring them. For example, I punched that Johnny guy a few weeks ago when he pushed the limits in the middle of the goddam hallway at school... he gives me the creeps; I'm glad I've got Randy now, he's the only boyfriend I need.

~ Short Time Skip -

I've been chilling out around the house for the past couple of hours since Stu left for Tatum's. I've actually enjoyed being in my own company, sometimes it's nice to do that.. and I'm glad I've had no dodgy phone calls tonight.

I've already eaten so I grabbed a jacket and put on my shoes. I'm going to go pay Randy a visit at the video store, and then I might go see Sidney since she's alone tonight. I won't bother calling, she's told me in the past that I can just turn up whenever I want. In fact, I'll grab a movie for us to watch, I may as well do that seen as I'm going to the store already.

I stood at the front door, then realisation struck in, "Shit" I mumbled to myself. Stu has obviously taken his car, so it's either I walk, or I don't go. But I did promise Randy I come and see him, and a movie night with Sid will be fun; so I've decided that I'm going to walk. I also think that a walk will be nice, so I can clear my head and just relax.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat