~ Chapter 31 ~

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~ filler chapter -> first day at college ~

Monday, September 8th 1997

The room was pleasantly peaceful; two others are fast asleep near me, in their own beds. One of them was Sidney, and the other was a girl called Hallie. We all shared a dorm room here at Windsor college.

Sidney and I have been hanging around with Hallie and getting to know her more ever since we found out that we'd be sharing a dorm room. I'm glad that I'm with Sid, and Hallie is just the sweetest girl ever!

A fresh, cool breeze seeped through the barely open window; I could hear the birds singing their morning songs.

I couldn't help but have a flashback to the year before, when I was starting my first day at Woodsboro high school. Hopefully this year won't be full of murder and gore, I would much prefer a happier life than that.

Besides, Tatum and Billy are dead.

Neither of them can terrorise us anymore.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
Three alarms - all set for 7:30 - interrupted the silence of the room at the same time.

Sid and Hallie had both woken up now, "god I don't miss that sound..." I groaned whilst hiding my face in a nearby pillow.

Soon the three of us were all getting ourselves ready for the day ahead of us. I have film class first and later on in the day, I have an acting class.

My outfit was rather cute, I wore a dress as it's nice and sunny today; the summer weather was still staying strong.

The dress enveloped around my body perfectly, I feel like a fairy princess. It's one of those white 'cottage-core' dresses that make you feel as though you've fallen into a fictional fantasy world. And I love it.

After talking to the girls, I left for film class.

As it's my first day, time management isn't my strong point... and I'm now rushing to get to class in time, before the bel-


"Fucking great..." I whispered to myself while sighing. It's only the first day, and I'm already late to a lesson.

I reached the door of my class, I can see everyone already sat down in their seats. I can also hear my professor taking registration.

Here goes nothing...

I opened the door, all eyes were on me.


I suppose people were looking due to the fact that I was late on my first day, but more so because I'm that girl from Woodsboro, whose friends were complete psychos, and she was almost brutally murdered on multiple occasions. Some stares were sympathetic, but most were just straight up judgemental.

And to add to the embarrassment, my teacher called out my name... so I had to reply with a out of breath "here sir" in front of all those unfamiliar faces.

"Sorry I'm late" I briefly apologised on my way past our film class professor, making my way to an empty seat beside Randy.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now