~ Chapter 30 ~

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And that was the end of the Woodsboro massacre.

For months those sick ghosts terrorised our small town; why did it have to be them? Billy Loomis and Tatum Riley, who I once viewed as my close friends. Now I hear their names and they spark a flame inside me. A flame full of exasperation. A flame that no water, no wind, nothing, could ever put out. An eternal flame.

I would constantly recall those the events that occurred in those couple of months of 1996 over and over in my head, thinking of every single possible alternative outcome, as if it were a all a horror movie or something.

I cant change the past... so why did I think of it so often? It haunted me. While I was awake, they'd be there. When I slept, their cold faces would ease their way into my dreams, causing nightmares to form. I saw no end to the constant trauma, although it had finished in real life... it still mentally stalked me.

Since then, everybody has tried their best to move forewords in life. It proved a to be a struggle for many, but we all managed.

Woodsboro never saw anything like that again; the sheer severity of the crime was no match.

Gale Weathers, unsurprisingly, decided to write a book on the events. It was patently her view on the situation, but everything was fairly accurate; each of our experiences will differ slightly. In this book, the reporter paints herself as the hero, which I suppose is correct. I mean... we all pitched into helping defeat the 2 menacing murderers, so we are all somewhat classed as 'heros'. I do appreciate Gale for her contributions, even if she did have the intention of gaining recognition (which she craved) for her good deeds.

Aside from that, my remaining friends and myself have all started at Windsor College; a new chapter in life, I suppose.

I haven't seen Gale in person since that night of the petrifying party. I've only heard about her through other sources, such as the radio.

Randy, Stu, Sid, and I are around a couple months into our Freshman year at Windsor college, and let me tell you... things are fantastic!

Considering how things were a year ago, I would've never believed we'd all be so happy right now. The experiences have left their scars of course, but we've all learned how to deal with them; I'm glad that life seems... peaceful and at rest in the current moment. And I'm glad we are moving on, worry free, stress free, we are free.

Oh and we can't forget about Dewey. Dewey was rushed into hospital along with the rest of us after the big attack. However, he was taken in as top priority due to his severe wounds. Since moving to college, I haven't had any way of contacting him. I believe his surgery was successful but I'm none the wiser of what he's like now. I do hope to see him in the near future to catch up, Dewey is my one of those people who comforts me in a way that I just can't explain; he's my comfort person. Just seeing him puts me at ease, that's why I was broken to see him in such state that night.

I suppose I should elaborate on the college situation, my life has changed a significant amount in the past year.

First of all, Randy and I major in film. However, I also major in acting - my passion for the two subjects is strong; consequently, I opted for both options. Sidney also majors in acting alongside me. It's a great lesson to take part in, I feel as though I can truly express myself through theatre, and my love for musical theatre in specific is out of this world! And as for Stu, he majors in fashion; Stu's always been the type for creating outstanding outfits, so there's no surprises that he picked that one.

And now we move onto our new friends....

Let's start off with Hallie McDaniel; a psychology student here at Windsor college. She's one of the sweetest and most iconic girls that I've ever met. Hallie is mine and Sid's roommate, I'm happy we all share a dorm room - it's comforting in a way. When I tell you that this girl loves to party, I mean she LOVES to party! Which is convenient as I too enjoy letting loose every now and then.

Then there's Derek Feldman; a pre-med student and also Sid's new lover boy ;) I honestly ship them together so much! I instantly spotted the spark between the pair when they first met, I'm pleased to know that they are official. As Sidney's best friend, I personally think Derek is perfect for her. He's willing to love and protect Sid no matter what, she deserve a man like him. Derek has one of those 'I don't care what people think about me' mindsets, which I respect him for. But he is also quite calm and reserved at the same time. He constantly looks out for others, making sure we are all okay; I think it's sweet how Derek is always checking up on everyone. It's hard to truly explain his personality, but let's just say that he's THE guy that you want as you're best friend.

And now we move onto the final one of our new group: Mickey Altieri; a film student alongside myself and Randy. Mickey is quite a confusing guy. And by that I simply mean, I can't quite understand him, which is odd because usually I don't have a hard time reading people. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy to hang around with, always cracking jokes and such. But sometimes, I wonder what's going on in his head. I do love how he carries around a camera and documents things; it's quite cute. Maybe he's planning on making a high school movie one day with the footage he collects. I would love to see it! Oh and I'm sure that he has developed a crush on Hallie, I'm not surprised though... I think we all have a crush on Hallie, shhh don't tell Randy!!


It's now October 30th 1997. Many things are slowly creeping up on us...

Tomorrow will mark the day of many different things:
- The 2 year anniversary of Maureen Prescott's murder
- The 1 year anniversary of the party.
- And of course its Halloween.

No doubt that a few parties will be thrown tomorrow, I'm indecisive on whether not or not I should attend any. We know what happened last time, but that was in the past. The ghostly murderers can't get me now, they are dead.

I cant keep getting hung up on previous events, I need to enjoy the moment. No point in hiding away for the rest of my life; I should be out making the most of being young. So that's exactly what I'm going to do! But first, I should sleep in preparation for tomorrow's classes. Then after that, it's party time!!
Word count: 1184

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora