~ Chapter 29 ~

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I was in complete denial. There's no way that this could be happening.

Once the mask was off, their hair messily hung around their sweaty face.. showing signs of the attack they've just made on me.

The tears tremble down cheeks, my heart shatters into a million pieces. Everything is going wrong.

My boyfriend, he's laying helplessly unconscious just around the corner from me; I'm in the kitchen. And Stu is presumably still wounded in the basement. Oh and Dewey should be added to this list, I hope he's going to make it.. the knife looked rather deep in his back.

And as for the killers... they're both here.

Sidney and I are being interrogated by the pair, who are sending threats and spitting words of abuse at us. The newly revealed truth is taking its toll on me.

Billy's eyes grew even more fierce and full of flames. And as for the second murderer, who accompanied Billy by his side... she was just as enraged.

Her light brown eyes faded darker and darker, before they could only be recognised as the devil's eyes. Her blonde hair clumped together due to the corn syrup fake 'blood' that had drowned her, presumably to make herself look like a victim.. when she was in fact the killer.

I silently observed her before she met my gaze, "what? Surprised that I'm still alive?" I didn't say anything in reply to her comment. "Aww poor y/n.." she brought the knife up, lining it with my face; she used it to trace over my jawline, smirking whilst doing so. "It's not that difficult to hang a body in a tree.. making it look like my own by dressing her in my clothes" she chuckles, "..it's funny really.."

I stare her down, "Tatum.. how could you?" Sidney turned to face her. Billy took it upon himself to get involved, he wrapped an arm around Tatum, "you see.." he started, "..little miss Riley over here was open for the idea of helping me get my revenge on Sid.."

My eyes flicked between the sick pair, ".. and her motive?" I questioned as Tatum looked at me, not knowing what to say. I can't see why Tatum would want to kill her own best friends.. and her boyfriend, "She doesn't have one, nor do I.. it's a lot scarier without one.." Billy added.

I felt a rush of confidence and anger fill me, "I hate to step on your moment Loomis.." I fixed my posture, making myself appear a lot less scared in the situation, ".. but I beg to differ with your statement" Billy huffed after I spoke, "what.. I suppose you have some reason to back up your disagreement?" He questioned, looking as if he was about to explode. If this was a cartoon, he'd be bright red with smoke blowing out of both his ears.

I continued my point, hoping to get at Billy in any way that I could. "I hate to break it to you, I really do.." A hint of sarcasm was present in my voice, ".. but I think that having no motive would really disappoint your target audience" I paused as he just stared at me, blankly, "I mean think about it.. they watch your movie, wondering what sick and twisted reason you have for your actions and then.. boom.. nothing, no reason. So how can you stand there and say you have n-" "stop fucking talking!" Billy snapped, it was clear he'd had enough of my perfectly true and valid statements; I had succeeded in irritating him.

Tatum and Billy exchange weapons; Billy now equipped with a knife, and Tatum with a gun.

As if out of nowhere, Tatum's mood and energy flipped. She was now completely ecstatic. "Ohh but things don't end here.. we have another surprise" she pauses in excitement, "YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS!!" She shouts whilst disappearing into the basement, only to return 30 seconds later, dragging a man into the kitchen.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now