~ Chapter 26 ~

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Cold. Numb. Silent.
My current, unknown location is gloomy and distressed.  The room, which I sit in, is undeniably unidentifiable thanks to the ragged cloth that has been placed over my eyes. By whom? I have no clue.. this can't be good.

I could hear my own breathing in the deathly silence of the room; where am I? My hands were tied together, but not tight enough.. thank god. I was able to slip out of the ropes with a bit of movement.

Hesitantly, I pulled off the cloth that blocked my vision.. the room was revealed. It's my own bedroom.. I'm in my house..

No one else was with me, but I know for a fact that I wasn't alone before now. The last thing I remember is the party.. people rushed out in reaction to hearing about Principal Himbry's death. Which left Randy and myself alone in the living room. Sid and Billy were presumably still upstairs by that point.. and Stu, Tatum and that other girl never returned.

Oh shit, that's it. Ghostface. He was here. The memory of him attacking me again flooded back into the brain. Where's Randy? He was with me.. I hope he's okay. I cant lose him.

After a solid 5 minutes of being lost in my own thoughts, I dragged myself up off of the ground; this proved a struggle to me, my wounds were still fresh and painful. This means that not much time has passed since the attack, it's still night.

I don't even want to leave my room, I dread to think what I might encounter on the other side of that door.

What if my friends need me?

What if Randy needs me?

I have to do it.. I must.

In.. Out.. In.. Out..
I controlled my rapid breathing to a much more sensible and slow pace. I'm mentally preparing myself for the worst; Ghostface is here... that's all I know.

Tap.. tap.. tap.. tap..
My footsteps were quiet, I was walking like a mouse. I don't want to be caught whilst trying to make an escape. Whoever is responsible for tying me up, obviously didn't have the intention for me to get out.. but I'm not one to be messed with; I always find a way.

A shadow of black nothingness engulfed me; my worries, anxieties, and doubts all flooded throughout my whole mind and body and lingered in the air, which I was surrounded by.

I reached the door and fixed my posture, my hand slowly moved towards the handle; I had to get out.. it's now or never.

Boom.. boom.. boom..
Heavy boots could be heard, making their way upstairs. Or so I thought. I couldn't tell which direction they went in, nor could I tell where this person was now. I cant waste anymore time though.

Shaking and sniffling, I grasped the handle and hesitantly opened my door just a crack. I could feel the tears forming in my burning eyes; I wasn't about to allow myself to cry.. no way. I had to stay strong, it's the only way that I'll have a chance at surviving. 

"Fuck it" I thought to myself, silently swinging the door open expecting the absolute worst. My eyes were playing tricks on me as I could've sworn that I saw that sick ghostly figure standing in the darkness.. but upon closer inspection, there was nothing there. Nothing at all.

I didn't waste any time in making my way to the stairs. When I reached them, my attention was caught by Sidney standing downstairs near the open front door.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, knowing that she was okay. Sid looks rather tense but then again, I have no clue what's happened since I've been unconscious. I pray that everyone else is doing well too.. I fear the worst.

I allowed my eyes to briefly scout the area around me once more before I spoke up, "sid!" I whispered, just loud enough so she could hear me. She instantly swung round in reaction to hearing my voice as I made my way down the stairs towards her. "Oh my god.. y/n you're okay! Ghostface attacked Billy and I don't know what to do-" She was stuttering her words, I pulled her into a comforting hug whilst being cautious of my own wounds at the same time. "Hey.. shh it's okay, we're going to be okay.." I softly said whilst rubbing her back.

I'm trying to stay positive. Although, things aren't really looking good so far.. but deep down, I do believe that we can do this. Or at least, I would like to think that we can.. I've escaped these ghosts before, and I can do it again. However, something is telling me that tonight is different. Tonight, they won't stop until we're all dead.

"Y/N!" Randy shouts whilst running towards the front door from outside with a slight limp. "Oh my god.. Randy!" My voice filled with pure happiness, Randy is alive. I pulled away from Sidney as she turned herself around as well.

Just as I was about to reach the door myself, Sidney grabbed my arm. I noticed she had a gun in her other hand. Randy stopped on the front porch outside the door. "You okay, Sid?" I asked, my voice was now concerned. Before she could say anything, Stu came running up the path towards us, "guys! The killer.. he's here-" his voice was shaky and sounded utterly petrified. 

Sidney held the gun up, aiming it at the two boys who were now on the porch together; her hand shaking slightly. I could tell she was scared and doing it in defence.. but there's no way that Randy or Stu were killers. "Sid it's not me, let me in please!" The boys exclaimed, practically in unison with each other.

I reached my arm out to pull them both inside with us, but Sid stopped me yet again; this time, she slammed the door shut. "Y/n.. what if it's them?" Sid cried, tears began to trickle down her rosy cheeks. "Look, I know this is scary but surely they aren't the killers.. what if they die out there" I explained. Sidney took a deep breath and composed herself slightly, "..okay" she turned to reopen the door.

"Sid!" A familiar and spine tingling voice shouted from the top of the stairs.

Boom.. boom.. boom..
Billy came rolling down, covered in blood. I kept my distance.. but Sidney instantly rushed over to help him. Soon, he was up on his own two feet; I just stared at him.. observing his wounds. His 'blood' looked rather red, sort of like how it does in those old, unrealistic horror movies. I decided to move past that though, I'm no doctor so maybe it's normal? Hmm.

I'm struggling to process everything.. there's a lot going on and I don't know who to even trust at this point. Something seems off about Billy (as usual), but now is no time to get distracted by him.. my own boyfriend is still outside and venerable.

Bang.. bang.. bang..
The knocking on the door sounded desperate, and equally did the shouting. It was Randy again. "Sid, give me the gun.." Billy asked politely, then Sidney handed it over. He made his way over to the door, cautiously opening it.

Randy burst his way through, making his way straight over to me; completely ignoring Sidney and Billy. We exchanged hugs and expressed how happy we were to see each other.

"I don't know where Stu went.. I think he's gone mad!" Randy still sounded shaken up.

There was a pause. The air seemed to change.. the atmosphere became even darker than before.

"We all go a little mad sometimes.." Billy turned slowly whilst dragging out his words, for dramatic effect. And before I knew it, Randy had been shot in the chest. He flew back, crashing into the little table nearby and landed in a heap on the floor. "RANDY!" I flung myself round to assist him. But that's when I heard another bullet fire out of the gun, this time penetrating through my back. Pain spiralled across my body and I dropped to the ground directly next to the love of my life. His eyes were closed.. and soon, so were mine.
Word count: 1397

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora