~ chapter 10 ~

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Warning: violence

"Hello again y/n... missed me?"

The split second I heard that voice, everything came back to me. The brutal murder of Casey and Steve; the phone calls; the "prank" that happened in the school bathroom today. It's all flying through my mind.

The cold, gravely voice spoke again, "this time, you WONT hang up on me.. understood?" Although this was scary, I didn't know if it was even real; what if it's just another joke?

"How do I know that this isn't a prank? And if it is a joke then this can be prosecuted under-" "Well, y/n..." He let's out his signature dark chuckle, "...I guess you'll soon have an answer to that when you feel my knife penetrate through your body"

Yes, this could still be a sick joke.. but I got the suspicion that it's far from it. This man is deadly serious.

I've seen my fair share of horror movies, I know what happens next. The victim (me) will start panicking, screaming, pleading for their life - which is exactly what the killer wants them to do. That is why I'm going to stay as calm as I possibly can, which is a big ask in a situation such as this one. It's worth a shot.

I took a moment to compose myself, then I spoke up confidently, "so, what do you want this time?" I asked. "To see what your insides look like." He swiftly replied.

An uneasy feeling conjured in my stomach, I felt as though an unwanted presence lingered around my house.

With the phone still held firmly to my ear, I grabbed the first sharp knife that I could see in my kitchen and silently walked through to the bottom of the staircase.

My house was in the middle of nowhere. If I hung up the phone and called the police, the killer would be sure to find me before they get here. I also considered going outside, but I felt safer in my house. The thought of running through the woods, freezing cold, while being chased scared me. So I decided I'd stay inside unless I really had to leave.

"That little boyfriend of yours left you all alone, huh?"

Was he trying to scare me by reminding me about the fact I'm alone right now? Well, alone doesn't necessarily mean I'm weak. I can put up a good fight on my own when I want to.

"Anyway, I hope you won't miss him too much.." he said, followed by a sinister chuckle. "What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely feeling confuse by his words. "Ohh it's nothing really, just the fact that before I came here, I may have paid him a little visit." He chuckled again. "What have you done to him?!"

If I'm being honest, I don't want to know what this man had done to Randy. I'm sure it's not something I want to hear. But I asked out of pure shock.

Anger grew inside of me like a roaring flame as the cold voice on the other line continued to chuckle. I don't know what he's done to Randy, but I'm going to do something ten times worse to this motherfucker.

I didn't want to overthink the situation. I simply made my way upstairs, phone held to my ear and a knife clutched in my other hand.

"You seem like a smart girl, y/n.. I'm going to ask you a question and you'll give me an answer" I replied with a simple "okay" and nothing more.

"Where am I?" The dark voice questioned. "Oooo that's a good question.. I'm going to take a wild guess and say.. here?" I spoke in a somewhat joking voice to distract me from the burning urge to shout. "very good y/n, now that you know I'm here.. what do you thi-" "LISTEN UP ASSHOLE.. I don't know you you think you fucking are, but you better hurry up and show yourself.. why hide, you've clearly got a job to do, huh?"

I'd lost patience with this guy.. I would've said a lot more but I had to contain it for now. The whole Randy situation had tipped me over the edge, I'm praying he's okay.

"Oh don't worry y/n, we're getting to that part of the game.."

I was in my room with the door closed. I placed my ear gently on it, I heard noises downstairs. Shit, he really is here. I prepared myself for the worst, I knew I had to keep my confidence up, I wasn't going let this sick fuck win.

"Soo.. speaking of games, you wanna play one?" I asked. I heard heavy footsteps making their way up the staircase. It's okay, I can do this... "yes, what's this game of yours called?" He asked over the phone, going along with it.

"It's called.." I swung open the door and stepped out. The ghostly figure was there, stood between the staircase and me. "..come and get me, BITCH!"

The figure sprung round to see me. I'd hung up the phone and placed it in my pocket. Now I only held my knife.

The masked man ran towards me, swinging his own knife. Being small has its perks, I managed to duck under him. I quickly launched onto his back, attempting to stab him as much as I could, I didn't even know if I was successful in stabbing him but in the moment I just wanted to do anything I could to hurt him. He's supposedly hurt my Randy, and I'm not letting him get  away with it.

I winced I pain as I got slashed by the killer a few times on my legs. I fell off of his back, swiftly picking myself up and rushing down the stairs to which he followed me instantly.

While running I desperately dialled '911'. The front door was locked and I knew I had no time to unlock it. I rushed towards the back, with the killer close behind me.

"911, what's your emergency?" I reached the back door and went to open it. "Please help, I'm being attac-" I felt a sharp pain surge through my shoulder. I shouted out in reaction to this, tears began streaming down my face.

The phone I once held had fallen to the floor, the lady on the other line still there.

I turned around, slashing the killer with my knife. He grunted as I managed to get him. He grabbed me, "GET OFF!". His knife penetrated through my gut, blood flooded out of me once he removed the sharp object.

I swung open the door and moved as fast as I could to the front of the house. I only made it to the side of the house however, when the killer managed to stab me a couple more times. I fell to my knees and then landed on my front, completely drained. I noticed the rancid taste of blood in my mouth when I began to cough.

I heard the faint sound of a car pulling onto te driveway which must've scared the evil killer away. He didn't want to be caught in the process of gutting me, so decided to call it a night, assuming that I lay there lifeless.

A few seconds passed and I felt blessed with a strong surge of energy, I dragged myself across the floor using my arms. When I reached the front of the house, I saw Stu climbing out of his

I found it incredibly difficult to get my words out. I managed to form a highly screechy "Stu!" as I coughed due to my own blood.

Stu noticed me and instantly rushed over in terror, "holy fuck! Y/n, shhh, it's okay.. hang tight, I can't lose you.." He knelt down beside me, holding my face with one of his hands.

Relief settled over us both as we heard the sounds of sirens grow louder, the closer they got. Soon, ambulance and police cars flooded the scene.

"Y/n?... Y/n?" I heard the familiar soothing voice of Dewey. My eyes opened from their resting state and I looked at him. I was still on the floor, so I couldn't have had them closed for long. "Everything will be just fine" he reassured me whilst stroking my hair in a comforting manner.

Next thing I knew I was being wheeled into the back of an ambulance by a few paramedics. The whole situation was a lot to handle, I'm just glad that I'm alive.

One long ambulance journey later, I arrived at the hospital. Surgery was needed for my wounds and so they wasted no time in treating me.

~ Short Time Skip ~
~ after surgery

My eyes were closed but I could feel a hand holding mine. The grip was firm and felt protective.

I allowed my eyes to flutter open. As they did, the person was revealed to me.. oh my god.

Tears filled my eyes, relief and excitement rushed through my entire body when I met their gaze.. there's no way.
Word count: 1521

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang