Confrontation 1

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He's not yelling, but I do like to think that Jay is more of a quiet anger guy. It's also shorter than the other ones, so I'm sorry. Also, yes, that say's 1. Jay has multiple moments where he goes off on these two.

Jay's anger fueled him as he wandered the moonlit halls rather aimlessly. Logically, he knew he couldn't do anything crazy without risking his life in Auradon. He'd much rather not get sent off to the Isle.

Finally, after much too long wandering, Jay ran into who he was looking for.

"Oh there you are Jay," Jasmine said, "We were just looking for you."

"May I ask why?" Jay asked, tilting his head, "I'm not in trouble, am I?"

"Oh, not at all, we actually needed you to start the process of getting you tested," Aladdin told him, "I truly am sorry that our son's dragged you into his absurd delusions."

Jay bit back a remark, digging his nails into his palm.

"Did you know his son cried himself to sleep tonight?" Jay asked, doing his absolute best to keep his voice level, "Had a terrible breakdown, actually."

Jasmine and Aladdin looked surprised at the news, doing nothing but dredge up all the anger he had stored away.

"Do you know a common thing I see on the Isle?" He asked, his voice almost a growl, "Parents who abuse their children and claim it's for their own good. See on the Isle that's common. I didn't expect to see it so blatantly here, especially in a royal family."

"Abuse?" Jasmine asked, eyeing Jay, "Are you suggesting we abuse our son?"

"Well, I'll tell you what, I've never seen Aziz look so... scared," Jay said, looking between the two, his gaze settling on Aladdin, "He was panicking the entire time. He made an off comment about being hit."

"That was an accident," He said quickly, although Jay could see the guilt in his eyes.


Jay hoped the guilt would eat him alive.

"For the record, your son isn't insane," Jay snapped quickly, "Thought I'd mention that. You just let everyone in your kingdom believe that about him?"

"Rumors spread quickly-"

"Bullshit," Jay snapped, getting louder before he could stop himself, "Do you know what the fuck you've done to your son? The least you could do is show some remorse."

"Watch your tone," Jasmine snapped, "You have no right to speak to us like that."

"And you have no right to hurt your son like that," He snapped right back, "Or to threaten to lock him in a fucking mental hospital.

"You have no right to tell us how to raise our son," Jasmine said, "It's what's best for him."

"What's best for him?" Jay said, letting out a bitter laugh, "What's best for him?  Yeah, telling him that he's insane is definitely what's best for him."

"We never said he was insane-" Aladdin tried.

"You're doing a shit job at hiding what you think," Jay snapped, bluntly, "Listen I don't want to fight you on this, but your son, possibly my brother, is in pain right now and Jafar isn't the only cause of it."


"I promised Jesna that I'd meet her," He said, cutting him off and turning back down the hall, "I need to check on Aziz, something you two should be doing without gaslighting him."

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