Back to Auradon (again)

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It's playing catchup time besties let's go!

"Hey, Xavier relax alright?" Jay said, stopping Xavier suddenly.

They had gotten far enough away from Xavier's brother for the anger to have faded, but in its place, Jay could see the rising concern behind his eyes. Jay stepped in front of him, his hands on his shoulders as he glanced around, making sure they were alone.

"He's lying, he wasn't-"

"What if he wasn't?" Xavier asked softly, finally tilting his head up to look at him, "Jay, what if he's right?"

"Your dad would have told you," Jay told him, doing his best to calm his boyfriends nerves, "He would have told you once I wished you free-"

"I haven't told him yet," Xavier said, cutting him off."


"I've been trying to call him, but he won't pick up his phone."

"Alright, love, listen," Jay sighed, cupping his face, "We're going to find Aziz, and then, when we get back to Auradon, we'll start doing some research on this."

"My brother ended up hurting people, what if I-"

"You won't," Jay said sternly, "You're not going to hurt anyone ok? You'd never do that, I know you won't."

"We didn't think Ghuath would hurt anyone either," Was all Xavier could seem to say, his voice hardly being able to go past a whisper, "He killed someone, Jay. What if I do the same thing?"

"You aren't your brother Xavier," Jay said in a tone that he hoped sounded comforting, "We don't even know if he was telling the truth. He could be lying, let's think on the bright side alright love?"

Xavier hesitated a long moment before he nodded, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"You're right," He said, "Where are we looking next?"

"We should be closer to the docks by now," Jay said, beginning to walk again, keeping Xavier by his side, "Smell the salt?"

"The ocean," Xavier said, though Jay had to admit, it sounded absentminded, "I've always liked how it smelled."

"Have you?" He asked, glancing back at him, pulling him into a separate alleyway, "You like sailing?"

Xavier shook his head, clearly doing his best to repress his previous worries and concern.

"I get seasick easily," He said with a small shrug, "I like the beach though."

"There's one nearby the school," Jay remembered, "I'll take you to it when we get back."

"I know what you're doing Jay," Xavier sighed, glancing back at him.

"Is it working?"

Xavier tilted his head, thinking for a moment before giving him a small nod.

"It is," He said eventually.

"Good," Jay said, pulling him down into another alleyway, "God, now we hope that Aziz didn't find Harry."

"Would it be bad if he did?" Xavier asked, "I mean I guess he is a villain kid."

"So am I," Jay reminded him, nudging him, "Harry isn't exactly stable, Xavier. He gets a real kick out of maiming people."


"I watched him cut off someone's hand once," Jay said with a small shrug, "Laughed while he did it too."

"Isn't that just normal Isle stuff?"

"If that was normal Isle stuff, Mal wouldn't be so disgusted by him."

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