53. Dreaming with opened eyes

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"Manuel...", I speak quietly, when I close the door behind me, and my eyes lock with his, that look like a never-ending abyss in which I'm going to drown, to die. And even though I know I can't stop looking at them, I come nearer to the abyss in which I'm probably going to fall. Or I've already fallen.

"What do you want?", he growls, running his hand through his short black hair that I hate. It's not like Boris's perfect and messy, soft, and...

No, Luna, don't think about Boris now. You have to let go of him, and take Manuel's hand. He has done so much for you. But Boris has done so much, too. He brought you to the hospital and saved your other hand from being broken, yet Manuel wanted to rip the cast m, and he burnt your thighs and gave you more pain. Boris only tried to take that pain away.

Shut up, will you?

"What are you doing here?"

I approach him and let my eyes linger on his features, which I grew to hate. No, find something attractive in him. There must be. He's tall, that's attractive. Boris is tall, too.

Will you shut your mouth with Boris for once?

"I came to see you, is that forbidden?", I chuckle nervously, and watch as his eyes roam my body while I go around him, touching him seductively. "Since you like... Since you like to claim me yours. So, I came to be yours."

I want to throw up as soon as those words leave my mouth.

"Luna..." He shakes his head, biting his lip. Thin. Not full like Boris's.

Stop it already. You are making this harder for me.

"I have a job to do, okay?" He steps back. "So stop whatever the fuck you are doing."

"No, pero Manu..." I rush to him, grabbing his big palms, as he stops. "I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me for what?" He knits his eyebrow, crossing his arms, dropping my small hands from them.

"For everything." I step closer to him and notice how his chest is moving up and down in a slow rhythm. He's turned on. Good. So am I for some unknown reason.

Maybe I shouldn't be, but you can't blame me. Come the fucking on, I know that every single one of you gets horny sometimes and you want to have sex, but either you don't have with whom, or that one you have isn't the right one.

Well, my case is the other one. I have with whom, but he isn't the right one because he never cares what I feel during it, what I want and need. How I want it and where exactly I need it. He only cares about his pleasure, and for so long I haven't gotten any pleasure, so that must be the reason why I'm longing for it.

You may think that there is something wrong with longing for sex. No, there's not. It's human-like. Everyone needs it, men, women, girls, boys, it doesn't matter.

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