61. A heart

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Just when I think that she maybe has dozed off, she rolls to the other side and then comes back to the one on which she has been laying this whole time, letting out a loud sigh

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Just when I think that she maybe has dozed off, she rolls to the other side and then comes back to the one on which she has been laying this whole time, letting out a loud sigh. When I glance at her, I see her eyes are opened, and how big her dark circles are, and my face immediately saddens, my heart aching for her.

"Are you close to the end?", she mumbles with her hoarse voice.

"Yeah, I.... am."

"Where are you?"

"I'm... Levin, and his brother... and how Kitty helped their relationship."

"Mhm. That really is close to the end", she replies, as she thought that I was lying.  "Is that enough? How many pages is that?" She lifts her upper body and rests her head on the board on the bed, her eyes half-closed.

I glance at the counter of the pages on the laptop. "Seven so far. That's good. Seven was the minimum. And ten is maximum."

"Okay." She rubs her eyes and yawns again. "Do you like it? Be honest."

"Who?" I confuse.

"The assignment I wrote, Boris."

"Oh, that. I-I do."

"You can add whatever you want. You won't ruin it, don't think that."

"No, you already covered everything. Besides, I only found some notes on the Internet pages. And you are better than them."

"That I bet I am", she chuckles and then snorts. "God, I don't know why am I this tired. Sorry, I..." She yawns again. "I'm usually not this tired. Who am I lying, I am", she mumbles the last part, thinking I didn't hear it.

"It's okay, Lu, really. I just wish I could help you", I say sadly, biting my lip, and lingering my gaze on her sleepy face. She looks like she's about to pass out each moment. How is it possible that she can't fall asleep while being this tired?

"You wish you help me a lot", she remarks, chuckling. "But there's no help for me. Not with this obviously." She again rolls her eyes, and I already learned why she does that, so I'm not wondering did I say something wrong anymore.

"I just can't believe how is it possible?", I ask more myself than her.

"Mm, me neither.".

"Does that have to do with how your mom read you those fairytales?" She frowns, lifting her head to me. "I mean maybe you're holding onto that, and then..."

"Don't Boris, please. I heard that so many times. I'm so tired of it." She frowns. "I'm more tired of maybes and ifs than from non-sleeping."

"Okay, okay, sorry." I cup her cheeks quickly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Just... wanted to help."

"It's okay." She smiles lazily, with her half-closed eyes. "Don't feel bad about it, okay? I swear I didn't know I'd be this tired. I usually can control it."

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