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My right knuckles hurt so bad. I never took the glass shards out of them yesterday so I'm stuck doing that today re-opening the wounds.

I slept in, watched some netflix and read a little bit. It was a nice evening, Dazai called me a few times, asking how I was and what I was doing, he never did that. Our relationship was work only, sure he pestered me but on work hours only, today is a Saturday, they gave me the day off since I finished all the office work that needed to be done anyways.

I talked to him for a while, I even put him on speaker while folding some laundry and he kept telling me how Kunikida was annoying him and how he was so bored at work without me, simply over exaggerating but it was funny, we laughed a lot, seems like things are getting back to normal, even better than normal.

I was feeling kind of happy so I wore a pretty lavender tennis skirt and a loose white sweater tucked in, I did my makeup and even put glittery eyeshadow. I looked in the mirror and smiled softly, I can go back to being myself. I can do this.

I walked to the park and sat on a bench waiting to see if Cabernet showed up. I knew it was a shot in the dark and I was prepared for it, I took a book out of my purse and began to read. The weather was nice and I was finally feeling in control of myself.

Suddenly a pair of expensive shoes were standing in front of me, I smiled and looked up.

"Sorry I'm late" the man with a fancy hat said as he pulled down the book I was reading, he had a smirk on his face.

"That's fine, I wasn't sure you were gonna come" I said softly and moved a little to the right so he could sit down beside me.

"After you fucking cursed me? No way I'm shrinking 5 centimeters" he whispered the last part. And I laughed.

"It's not funny, I was cursed before and it became a reality! Not happening to be again" he said seriously while looking at me, I was laughing uncontrollably now, he looked so scared about getting shorter.

"Fine fine" I took his face with my hands and said, "I cancel any and all curses imposed on this pretty man, wooosh". I even closed my eyes and hummed. I felt a weird sensation on my fingers, like electricity, but I ignored it, maybe it was static.

His face felt hot so I let go of him and noticed he was blushing.

"You okay?" I asked him, it was not hot, actually it was kind of cold.

"Yeah, I was just surprised" he said, not looking at me.

"So how have you been? It's been a while since I last saw you" I asked him while taking out a flask out of my purse and handed it to him. He just lifted an eyebrow but took the fast and took a sip.

"Well, busy with work, I had to slip out for this, apparently I am in a meeting right now with a possible client" he said laughing.

"I mean I have like 10 dollars in my purse, you can have them if you want" I said laughing and taking a sip of the flask. I love tequila.

"I hate tequila" he said, and I was shook.

"Whaaat? Tequila is the best liquor, it taste nice, gets the job done and depending on the quality and brand, you can skip hangovers" I said like I was tequila's personal lawyer.

"Wine is better, or whiskey" he said mockingly yet taking the flask out of my hand and taking a sip.

"I am revoking your drinking privileges" I reached out for the flask as he pulled it away so I wouldn't take it, I stretched to grab it making us get way too close. He smelled nice, strong wood like cologne but not too strong, kind of fresh too.

"What the fuck happened to your hand?" He asked as he grabbed my right hand with his free hand, inspecting my knuckles and looking me in the eye.

"Uuuuuh, it's an embarrassing story I'd rather not talk about that", I pulled my hand out of his grip and kind of hid it.

"Did someone hurt you? Are you hurt?" He turned to face me with a worried look on his face. I looked away, it's embarrassing.

"Yo, look at me, tell me what the fuck happened that looks fresh, did someone tried something while you were waiting-" I took the flask out of his hand while he was talking and took a big swing.

"I beat the shit out of someone" I said, rapidly raising my voice. I took another sip of liquor. Jeez, what if he thinks I'm a thug, problematic, what if he thinks I'm in the fucking mafia.

"What" he looked confused.

"I beat the shit out of someone because well they got on my nerves and they kind of deserve it but now I feel bad about it, I am embarrassed" I said defeated.

"So the cat got claws, huh" he said with a big grin on his face and I raised an eyebrow.

"So, I tell you that I physically assaulted someone, and all you do is smile at me? Are you drunk already?" I said while looking confused.

"I mean if they were messing with you that's on them for being jumped, and it's good that you took care of it, was it a creepy neighbor or something?" He said as he took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair, this man is very attractive and the tequila is not helping.

"It was a coworker" I whispered and he looked a little shocked.

"In my defense, they are always teasing me we actually fight a lot, but always end up forgiving each other, only this time they said some hurtful things and then poked the cat I guess, claws did come out" I tried to justify my actions so he wouldn't think I'm crazy.

"Did the person get your point? Are you going to be fine?" He said looking at me still with his head thrown back, I want to count his freckles.

"I think so, I hope so" I said softly and I reached for his hat and put it on, it was a little too big for me, he just smiled at me as I smiled back.

"They better, if not give me a call and I'll fucking end them for you" he said with a determined look in his eye, as if he was not joking.

"You? Pfff even I could take you on little lion man, I'll probably beat the shit out of you" I said smugly while flickering the hat up so it wouldn't cover my eyes.

"Wanna fucking go, princess?" His eyes were locked to mine, he was smirking and so was I, he was drunk and I was tipsy, I should go home.

"I don't wanna ruin my new found friendship" I said taking off the hat but then feeling a hand on top of it pushing it down.

"Keep it, I have like a hundred more" he said while looking the other way.

"You have a problem, you should see a specialist about that" I teased him but secured the hat on my head.

"I should go, it's getting late" I said looking at my feet.

"I can walk you home if you like." he said while standing up. And I gave him a sad smile and he understood that I'll be walking alone.

I liked Cabernet but this friendship has to stay this way. I don't know who he is, I work for the Armed Detective Agency, what they do brings a lot of trouble and most cases are confidential so it was better this way. Me not knowing his name or he does and him knowing nothing about me also.

"Hey, how am I going to tell you if I need you to end someone?" I asked hoping he would understand.

"Easy, give me your phone" I passed him my phone and he added his contact info and sent himself a message.

"If you need anything, you can give me a call or message me" he smirked at me, I went through my bag and gave him some cookies I had made beforehand.

"Eat, you are drunk" I said, giving him a soft smile.

"Text me when you are home" he said as he turned around.

As I walked back home I adjusted the hat on top of my head and I thought, maybe I can make a home out of this town.

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