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Scared you with that title right? WRONG!
Here I will explain how this book will end.

There will be routes, I will not choose who you will be together with that's for you to decide upon, there will also be an ending for a single route as well.

I will start by saying all of the love interests and you all can agree which one will go first!

This book isn't actually almost done. I need all the characters to have interaction with the reader. But I'm doing this so you will understand how this book will end.

The ones you interacted with:

Zenitsu (not as much as I hoped)
Inosuke (same as Zenitsu)

The one you haven't interacted with: (yet)

Obanai (not as much)
Mitsuri (same as Obanai)
Muzan (not a love interest but he's here for some needed attention)
Kaguya (same as Muzan)

All I need to write is the love interest/friendships to acknowledge you at the least.

I cannot forget about the Yanderes
But that'll have more characters to become one, I will not say who tho!

Just like fire on fire, it'll skip to the future. But I will do each and every single one of the love interests.
Yandere: Lovesick ending
Non- Yandere: Whichever characters they are.

I mean by this as if it were a character example like Tanjiro (he might be) he will be called 'Hinokami'.

Tanjiro- Hinokami ending.

That's what I mean by this.

For a Yandere it will be called

Gyuutaro- Lovesick 'blood', it's a reference for his ability in the show

Kyojuro- Lovesick 'flame', it's a same reference for his breath type in the show as well.

See how I did two different types? One was a demon and the other was a swordsmen.
Hehehe now that made me hard (jkjk maybe)

For each character will have there own category.
Non- Yandere and Yandere.

If I pick who will be one of the two but it'll be really obvious by their way of expressing their feelings.

Or what they say about the reader.

Hue hue.

Okay, you get my point? My bitches and bro, and non-binary hoes. Omg that made me blush holy shit.

I've never been so happy making a book with semi humor while making it filled with a bunch of gore. Doesn't that make it more attractive?

I've started this book early July of 2021 and now I've made 40+ chapters in span of that!
Thank you all so much my loves! I'm happy to gain some popularity but what makes me the most happy is when you enjoy my content!
But this couldn't be done without the help of my childhood friend. She encouraged me and motivated me to keep writing so props to her for helping with the cover, the name.

And it's also my thanks to Montaru for motivating me during early july! I will make a s8 the infinity fanatic with a male reader some day when this book is finished.

I love you all so much please take care of yourselves.

I might even add lemon/lime shitz idk I completely forgot what that thing was called with small implications of sexual stuff [*Insert smug face*]

But I'm happy some you guys enjoy my humor as(s) well! My humor is pretty weird but you'll get used to it with the amount of fanfic I might write.

Lookin back at chapter 1 of what the f*ck just happened. I see how much my writing has grown and improved. I hoped to make it much more better the more I understand English (even if English is my first language but my dumbass self sucks ass at learning so)

I feel like you should read this whole thing in a Mexican accent LMFAOO.


Here's the voting contestants!

Tanjiro- Hinokami ending

Nezuko- Explosive blood ending

Zenitsu- Electric ending

Inosuke- Beast ending

Giyu- Dead Calm ending

Kyojuro- Lovesick Flame ending

Tengen + Wives- Orgy ending

Shinobu- Butterfly ending

Kanao- Blooming flower ending

Sabito- Broken neck ending

Aoi- Waterfall ending

Genya- Loveshot ending

Muichiro- Likeable Mist ending

Yuichiro- Attacked love ending

Tamayo- Medical ending

Yushiro- Red ending

Gyuutaro- Lovesick blood ending

Ume- Lovesick belts ending

Michikatsu- Moonlight ending

Yoriichi- Sunshine ending

Douma- Rainbow of gayness ending

Hakuji + Koyuki- Snowflake ending

Enmu- Thomas the train ending.

There are all the contestants! I hope you all can agree which characters will be the first ending but I still have many characters to introduce! But do not be sad this is just my explanation of how the ending of What the f*ck just happened?! I hoped to see you all in my upcoming books

I might even start up continuing What lies beneath the mask as well, since I've never recalling seeing a Yandere reader before.

But hey, that's just a theory.....A GAY THEORY.

I hope to see you all in the next chapter! Have a great day!

I hope to see you all in the next chapter! Have a great day!-Ren♡~

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