Chapter 32 - Homeward Bound

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Since Theseus started staying in Vizsla's tent instead of the other one he was in before, he's been able to feel his kyber crystal.

He'd been pondering the entire time he was here how he'd ever be able to get it back especially since he didn't even know where it was, but without knowing it, Vizsla accidently gave him the answer to both questions. Because apparently – and thankfully – the fact that Jedi actually bond with their lightsaber crystals isn't a very known fact. The Mandalorians never had a clue, anyway, or they most assuredly wouldn't have left it here. So, he can feel it, but only looking around briefly he hasn't been able to figure out exactly where it might be.

But everyone is currently safely away from the tent for the moment, so this might be one of the only chances Theseus gets at the moment to try and find it. If he gets caught... well, that's going to undo all the progress he's made. He can't afford to be seen.

Hearting pounding and with a final glance at the tent flap, he turns and slips deeper into the tent, the part where he really isn't supposed to be going. He scans over the things piled there, but hardly surprisingly, on first glance, he doesn't see anything. Not that he was expecting to. There's a lot of weapons and odds and ends that he doesn't care to look through in much detail.

He starts carefully sorting through the things, trying to keep them mostly in order. He wishes it were easier to find his lightsaber's exact location. He has to keep stopping and listening to make sure no one is approaching. Now would be a really good time to have BD here to watch.

He keeps sorting through the things, and finally reaching the bottom of the pile. The familiar hilt gleams up at him in the dim lighting of the tent. At last! Theseus reaches down, hand closing over the weapon. Finally.

If only he could take it with him, but there's no way he can do that. It's not like he'd have anywhere to hide it, and its disappearance would likely be noticed. But at least he's one step closer to an escape plan – even if he's not sure when he'll implement it.

It'll be difficult to get his lightsaber out of all this... mess in the middle of the night without waking anyone up, but it'll have to work. And then somehow get to BD and then steal a ship. At least he's noticed the positions and rotations of the guards for the most part, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy.

Suddenly, the feel of an approaching presence hits him. In a flash, the lightsaber is back on the floor, and he hastily covers it back up again before scampering back towards the entrance to the tent. Barely in the nick of time.


It's been almost two weeks since he ended up here on Carlac, and Bo finally demanded she introduce him to a more people, since he's really only been hanging out with her whenever she has time. So, here he is.

Also, he might appreciate this a little more if he didn't somehow end up getting stuck on babysitting duty. Well, he was trying to be polite, and somehow one thing led to the next, and now, he's supposed to be watching over the daughter of the head of Clan Wren. It seems like mainly members of Clans Vizsla, Wren, and Saxon that are part of Death Watch. Not that any of these names have a whole lot of meaning to him.

Sabine Wren, the not-quite-one-year-old that he was put in charge of babysitting, is crawling around on the floor of the tent in front of him, seeming fascinated with... he has no idea. It's not that Theseus hasn't been put on youngling duty before – he has – but he has no idea how to handle them. What is he even supposed to do, other than make sure she doesn't crawl outside and freeze to death?

Babysitting younglings was never exactly something he liked doing a lot – especially not since he got put on duty for that so much after he was on leave at the Temple after Mortis – but he'll have to do the best he can. Better than being bored for hours, he supposes.

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