Chapter 64 - Empire Day

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Author's Note: There's another time skip here. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Fifteen years. It's been fifteen years since everything fell apart. Today is the anniversary marking the official worst day of his life, and it infuriates him that there's people actually celebrating it. There is nothing Marr despises more than Empire Day, and he knows that's never going to change. A celebration of death and destruction, which many people are forced to celebrate by mandate.

He always goes out of his way to avoid hearing any of the Emperor's speeches, because it just makes Marr stand there imagining the day that he's finally destroyed for everything he's done. For taking his family from him, for whatever Sidious did to Anakin and Obi-Wan, for everything he's done to the galaxy. So yes, Marr hates this day, but he has a mission to focus on right now, so avoiding the celebration isn't an option, even if he would very much like to spend the day mourning.

Working with Saw turned out to be more helpful than Marr was expecting. Saw has a way of getting ahold of lots of information from the Empire, and often unlike the larger part of the rebellion, he usually takes more action against it. They haven't actually accomplished much, but the numbers of people resisting are steadily growing. They need to do more, though, Marr knows. That is what he's preparing for, after all.

It's hard to believe that it's been about two years since he left Mandalore. He's only had contact with Bo and his sister once, when he went back to get armor for Vizma. She's old enough for it now at twelve years old, and she needs it to protect her. The armor she has was a melted down and reformed version of what was once his father's.

It's... fitting.

Marr moves as indiscreetly as he can through the streets of Lothal, with Vizma trailing behind, staying out of sight as much as she can.

"The Rodian has to be somewhere, but it won't be in plain sight," he muses, more to himself than anything. Saw heard about a Rodian named Tseebo who the Empire is hunting, though why, is a mystery to him. Regardless, it's creating an enormous disruption. Whatever the reason is, Marr knows he needs to find the Rodian first.

Mandalorians are a rare sight, but no one is giving either of them more than a second glance as they make their way through the streets. Lothal seems to be a place where all species and people are welcomed, for which he is grateful. It means no one pays them much attention. To be fair, most people – including the Imperials – are also all gone to the Empire Day celebration parade, and... what's this he's hearing about some new TIE fighter design?!

"Shouldn't we go check this out?" Vizma asks, looking up at him.

While the celebration is a good way to get people out of their path so he can focus on trying to find Tseebo, this is important, too. "Let's have a look," Marr agrees. Whatever this is, it doesn't need to go into production. That much he does know.

He pushes his way through the crowd of people, just as a sudden explosion rings out. The TIE fighter... exploded? He blinks, moving closer through the smoke filling the air. Yes, it blew up. Someone either sabotaged or bombed it, but he thinks bombing was more likely. There must be other rebels nearby.

Marr rapidly scans the area, trying to spot them. They aren't easy to miss, especially when he sees a Lasat trying to take someone's head off with his blaster... someone who is dressed suspiciously similar to the Inquisitors he countered on Mandalore. What was happening on Lothal that Marr walked into without realizing it?! Clearly, this Rebel cell either includes a Jedi or is extremely dangerous to the Empire, and that's all Marr needs to know to follow.

Stormtroopers start chasing the group – he makes out maybe four individuals – and Marr whips out his blaster, taking down several of the stormtroopers in rapid succession before following.

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