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Author's Note: This is the end! Thank you all so, so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting! I never dreamed that it would get the kind of reception that it has, and we've been so happy to see how many have enjoyed it! :D

If you liked this story, you might like some of our other OC stories as well. ;) (Listen, I know this is self-promotion, but after finishing this story, I think we've earned some. Lol.)

Phantoms of Glory – OC (Ashla) is Anakin's childhood best friend, and she goes on to become a Jedi with him

Vision – OC (Vision) is a Force-sensitive clone of Omega with unusual abilities, and she joins the Bad Batch

Mosaic – Ahsoka/OC; OC (Jacen) is Anakin's younger brother

Domino Effect – OC (Ariana, Teagan, and Ramona) are from Earth, and they end up in SW during ROTS

The Chosen Twins series – OC (Aniya, though there are others) is Anakin's twin sister

~ Amina Gila

"You know, I never would have thought that someday, the base for the Jedi would be Mandalore," Marr comments, sitting on the steps outside of the new building, watching the small group of younglings playing in the grass surrounding it.

"No one would have expected it," Anakin agrees, smiling with faint amusement. It's something that never fails to warm something inside of him, for all those years he never thought he would see Anakin's smile again. His cheerfulness was something that always helped during the Clone Wars, and it's strange to see how much of is back in him now, that everything with Vader is in the past.

Sometimes, it's hard to believe how far they've all come. It's been ten years since that day they took down Sidious. Ten years since... Anakin re-claimed his name, and they finally left Vader and everything that meant in the past.

Anakin will never fully physically recover from his injuries – it's simply not possible with how badly he was injured that day on Mustafar, but after being in a literal torture device for almost twenty years, Marr thinks he doesn't even take this freedom for granted.

It's not as if Marr can ever fully heal either – he had some replacement organs from where his mother stabbed him, after all. It doesn't really affect anything; it's just a fact. Except the Force seems to flow weirdly through it. It's a sensation he's long grown used to, though. It doesn't hurt anymore, except in principle.

"They have been more accepting of it than I expected," Marr comments. There's been problems, of course, because many on Mandalore still consider all Force users enemies, but with the chaos of everything with the Empire, and knowing it was a Force user who helped free their planet, things have changed, at least a little.

"They have," Anakin agrees.

Marr stifles a quiet laugh as Grogu chases a frog around the yard, trying in vain to catch it.

Four-year-old Ben Organa-Skywalker-Solo (that's such a mouthful and no one will convince him otherwise) drops onto the grass next to Grogu, giggling. "It's too fast," he declares.

Grogu's face twists into the most adorable pout possible, and the frog suddenly levitates off the ground with the Force.

"I thought you were supposed to breaking him out of that... hobby?" Marr asks dryly. It's a completely improper use of the Force, something Obi-Wan has a fit about any time he sees it. Frankly, Marr just thinks it's cute, although it is something he needs to learn not to do when he's older.

Anakin is the... youngling instructor here. He was very reluctant about it at first, but they convinced him, and Marr thinks it's helped him a lot. After having destroyed the previous Order, Marr suspects the only thing that can help him make up for it and let go is to help build the new one.

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