Chapter 57 - Together

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Author's Note: There is no slow burn in BoMarr whatsoever. They know what they want, and they ain't gonna play around and wait. :') xD

Also, I think Bo-Katan was around 21-ish during Order 66, so she's 23 now and Theseus is 19. :)

~ Amina Gila

It isn't until the next day that Theseus finds himself with Bo again. She stops by to see him again, and all he can think about is what happened the last time she was here. He can tell that her mind is on the same thing.

They need to talk about it, but he's hardly sure where to start, or if now is the right time. He has no idea how to go about this, and it doesn't seem like Bo is planning to say anything. Maybe he'd feel less awkward if not for the interruption last time.

"So..." he begins, slowly, hardly even sure what he's about to say, "I was thinking about... what happened..." He squirms. How in the world do people normally talk about these things? It's not as if anyone ever does at the Temple, and with Ahsoka, it was easier. They knew each other so well that they could read the others' intentions without having to express it all in words. And all things considered, he really doesn't know Bo that well, though it doesn't make the caring he has for her any less deep.

"If I had a problem with it, I wouldn't have done it," she replies, after a moment, sounding about as uncomfortable as he's feeling, "But maybe I should've asked you what you wanted first."

He shifts. "I did – do want that," he admits, "I have since... For a while, but it didn't matter before because I was a Jedi so I couldn't have a relationship like that anyway." She's quiet, and he slowly reaches over, taking her hand. "I've always... wanted a family," he confesses. He doesn't know how to approach this but being open about what he wants is probably best.

She wants this too. He didn't really realize it, although thinking back to it, she did act like it, sometimes, in a way. "I never cared for this with anyone before," Bo replies, and he thinks she finds it a little odd to actually talk about her emotions, "But I wouldn't be opposed."

He doesn't know what else to say, and maybe it's best to say nothing right now. He's glad, though, that they talked about this.

He does really care for Bo – despite all her very plentiful flaws – and he's more than a little relieved that the feelings are mutual. Especially after the Order fell, he never expected to have this, or any semblance of a family at all, but it feels right, maybe more so than it ever did with Ahsoka.


He's been here for a while now, but he's still getting used to the way everything is here, and the way he keeps running into an occasional person who he briefly knew under his previous identity. He just wasn't expecting to see who it is this time

"Korkie?" Theseus asks in surprise, when the other boy greets him enthusiastically.

"Yes, it's me," he replies, with a smile, "Auntie Satine mentioned that you were here, but..." He glances around, voice dropping before he continues talking. "I remember you from when you were a Jedi."

"Yes, I remember you, too," he replies, dryly, "I couldn't forget when us six teens overthrow the Prime Minister."

Korkie chuckles quietly. "Yes, that was quite the incident."

"I wouldn't have expected you to get armor," he observes, eyeing the other boy's outfit. He was raised by Satine, after all.

"Things changed, after Maul took over," Korkie replies, "Some of us ended up staying around the Nite Owls, and since we were all considered criminals, we had to be able to fight."

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