Chapter 95 - Visitors On Coruscant

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It's been so long since she last saw the Ghost crew, Vizma would be bouncing with excitement if she weren't already fourteen. "Well, look who's here," Zeb calls, as they step off the shuttle.

"Vizma!" Ezra and Sabine exclaim eagerly.

"Hey, everyone," Vizma chirps, looking them all up and down. They haven't changed much, though Ezra is a little taller now and his hair is a lot shorter. He looks far close to adulthood now. "I hope you haven't been too bored in my absence."

"That is one word for it," Ezra agrees with a grin.

"It's been a lot quieter," Hera replies, giving her a warm smile which she returns. She forgot how much she missed Hera, too. She's like a second aunt. One who isn't crazy like Anastasia.

"It has been a long time," Kanan concurs.

She finds herself almost speechless. Everything is finally coming together for the best, and it's... She can't believe the fight is over, and she'll be back with everyone in her family and all her friends again.

"It's good to see you that you're... alive," her father interjects, stepping closer. She can feel his relief pouring into the Force, "Are you alright?"

"We're fine," Sabine offers, "It came close, though."

"We were captured, but you should have seen the governor's face when she was told to release us," Ezra smirks.

Vizma laughs. "I can only imagine."

"You were captured?" Marr asks.

Kanan nods. "Atallon was attacked before we even went to Lothal, and we lost a lot of people."

Her smile fades at that. The cost was great everywhere, and now, they're all left with the task of rebuilding. Marr nods, expression grim. "I expected it would be severe, but..."

"We lost Commander Sato during the attack," Hera adds, "But the purrgil came in to help. Apparently, Ezra's fascination with them proved useful."

"The Force led him to them for a reason," his father says, dryly,

"How did the purrgil come to help?" Vizma asks dubiously.

"We sent out a mating call with the Ghost," Ezra explains brightly.

She snorts, despite the situation. "I suppose they weren't happy having their mate attacked."

"They destroyed a lot of Thrawn's fleet, and a thunderstorm with glowing eyes that Kanan summoned did the rest," Zeb says, waving his hands for dramatic effect.

"A thunderstorm with glowing eyes?" Marr echoes.

"Bendu," Kanan replies, "I may have made him angry."

"You made him angry," Marr repeats, "How?"

"I... called him a coward?"

Vizma laughs. "You called the Force a coward. No wonder you 'made him angry'."

"Yeah, I can see why," Hera agrees, giving him a 'seriously?' look.

"He was refusing to help us," Kanan protests. "He essentially said it wasn't his problem."

"I can't imagine he put it like that," Marr objects.

"He said he only did that which was the will of the Force," he admits grudgingly, "He didn't intervene until they started bombarding the planet." They really seemed to be doing that everywhere, not that that's a surprise.

"None of you were injured then?" Marr asks.

"We were fine," Hera assures.

"What about when you were captured?"

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