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A/n Just started a new job, so updates might be a tad slower.


"I've always wanted children, but if they turn out anything like these people... Then I don't think I want children anymore. I know they're all 'sick,' allegedly, but the way they're acting is ridiculous."


"Ahh... My lips... my lips!" Justin complains.

"Maybe they'd feel better if I pressed mine against them. Just once? Before I die?" Beth asks desperately.

"There will no kissing! Everyone just needs to stay away from each other until we figure out what's going on," I scold them.

"To my mother, I leave you all my many awards and trophies," Heather says a loud as she writes her letter on a piece of paper, then vomits.

"To my brothers and sisters," she continues. "I leave you... nothing. Earn it yourselves, you lazy slackers."

So she's a b*tch to everyone...

After what seemed like forever, Duncan and Leshawna finally make it back. Oh good, I can stop being a mother.

"I'm so glad to see you guys," I admit.

"I'm glad you're back to loving me, babe," Duncan replies with a flirty smile.

"Mother, is that you?" Harold asks.

"Relax, everyone. As someone who has extensive experience with forgery, trust me. This textbook and everything in it is a total crock," Duncan explains.

"You're kidding!" I gasp.

"Nope! The book covers are really just old cereal boxes."

"It can't be a crock. No one's faking being sick," Harold says.

"No, but it's still a hoax. I just went to Chef's kitchen, where I found this 'cheese'," Leshawna says holding up some sort of canister.

"Is that itching powder?" I ask.

"And laxatives!"

"That explains the diarrhea and itchy lips," Duncan adds.

"And we're the only ones who didn't get sick 'cause we didn't eat the pizza," Leshawna continues to explain.

"But wait, what about the sores on Owen and DJ?" Beth asks.

"Looks like a piece of pepperoni to me," I observe.

"Brother needs to shower," Leshawna adds.

"First, brother needs to pee!" DJ exclaims.

I pop his quarantine bubble with a bobby pin, and he immediately makes a run for the bathroom.

"Mm, delicious sore," Owen says in delight as he eats his pepperoni sore. "She's right. Now let me out of this bubble!"

"No!-" Heather and I both scream, but it's too late.

TDAM; Book 2 (Total Drama Action, Malibu)Where stories live. Discover now