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"Listen, I love Courtney. Sure we didn't start off on the best foot, but we really grew to be great friends... But that doesn't mean I want her back in the competition. No one should be allowed back. But why am I surprised? Chris allowed Eva and Izzy back on "Total Drama Island" after being voted off, and knowing that no one wanted them back- this shouldn't be a shock either. I just want to win my money and go home, is that too much to ask?!"


"Courtney, I've really missed you but-"

"She got booted out fair and square," Heather complains.

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I- I agree with Heather. Not necessarily how she was booted off, but we're already so far along this season!

"Sorry, Heather," Courtney says. "But myself and the law firm of Fleckman, Fleckman, Cohen, and Strauss would beg to differ. We filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against the producers. And won."

"Good news, eh, Duncan?" Harold teases.

I frown. What is he talking about? You know what, during season one, Harold got Courtney voted off... Because of Duncan... I think. Why did he do that?

"So, Courtney," Chris starts. "Since you were our bank teller in the challenge- great job, by the way- you get to decide which team deserves to win first prize. Your bag of loot."

"The choice is obvious. It's D- the Gaffers. Since they were the only team that managed to get to my wicket. Congratulations."

"Thank you?" Duncan says.

"I've seen manlier men trying on women's shoes," Heather says.

"Get up," I snap.

"So, this means the Killer Grips win second prize!" Chris announces.

"What's second prize?" Justin asks.

"Courtney! For the rest of the game! Or... until she's eliminated!"

"So, Grips, Gaffers, your getaway cars are waiting. Better get a move on before the cops arrive," Chris says, but no one moves. "That means go!"


It was a tough challenge, but we won, so that's great... I guess. I know I should be happier than this. We just won a car chase challenge because of the cart I built us. I should feel better than this, but I don't. The only reason I was able to do that today was because of my dad. I miss him, and I don't know why. He lied to me, betrayed me, he started another family without me. I'm furious with him, and yet doing what I did today made me miss him so much to the point it aches.

Then there's Courtney. Sure I've missed her, but she shouldn't be here. After what my father did to me, I knew I needed to win that money more than ever, not just for my shoe company. I don't want to see a penny of my father's money, and I want to show him that I don't need him. I can't let Courtney and her lawyers get in the way of that.


Oh, it's Duncan.

"Hey," I say with a wave.

"I thought these walks were our thing," he jokes.

"Yeah.. I just wanted to be alone for a minute."

"What's with you?" He asks. "You won us the challenge. You should be celebrating. You know, you were quite the little criminal today. We're more alike than you think."

TDAM; Book 2 (Total Drama Action, Malibu)Where stories live. Discover now