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"This water is freezing! And it's too dark to see anything!" Heather says.

I know I seemingly made peace with the fact that Chris was going to kill us today... But I change my mind, I don't wanna die! I have so much to live for. If I were to die, then Tiffany, my dog, would wonder where I went, all of my shoes would be left behind, and if I were to die today, I would never get the chance to be in a real relationship with Duncan! And most importantly, there's a million dollars on the line, hello!!! 

"No problem, I've got great night vision," Duncan says. "A lot of the stuff I get up to happens when the sun goes down. Now everyone get to work."

Duncan finds a box filled with supplies. We each grab a flash light and look for a possible latch to get us out of here, but knowing Chris, I have a really bad feeling it won't be that easy.


"I'm tired, and my head hurts," I complain.

"You can hold onto me," Duncan says. "You can't drown on us."

I wrap my arms around his neck. I feel bad for putting all of weight on him, but I'm exhausted, and I do have a concussion.

We've tried everything! The other latches on the ceiling lead to a firey death, so that obviously won't work. The only way out of here is through the opening down there, but it's locked! And we can't hold our breath long enough to figure out the code and get it open! We're all freaking out here. I've already had to stop Leshawna from fighting Heather and Duncan from drowning Harold. Chris has never pulled anything this extreme before. If he actually kills us, he's going to prison. And if he's dealing with my mom, then he should just leave the country, because then she might just kill him herself.

"T-This could be it. The end. Like, the end end. A-And I wanna live!" Leshawna panics.

"I know you're scared, but you don't have to cry. I'll save you," Harold says.

"Who said anything about crying? Leshawna never cries!" Leshawna says in the third person.

"You sure blubbered enough when a reward was on the line," Duncan points out.

Now that I think about it, she did have a complete meltdown when it came down to me getting the prize. But she didn't fake that... Did she?

This isn't the first time she's sucked, Mal.

I think back to that day. She seemed so upset. You expect me to believe that that was all an act? That my friend who knew how much I wanted to meet my sister emotionally manipulated me to give her the prize instead? I didn't even care about the stupid spa day, I just wanted to leave this stupid lot for Mallory!

"You're a total sham!" Duncan exclaims.

"You mean, Leshawna fake cried to get my reward with Leshaniqua?" Heather gasps.

"No," Duncan answers. "She fake cried to get California's reward, remember? We all agreed Malibu could have it."

I look at Leshawna, and she looks like she's going to pee her pants. She can't even look at me. Did she really lie to me? I just, I'm so confused! Leshawna is my friend.

TDAM; Book 2 (Total Drama Action, Malibu)Where stories live. Discover now