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"So, the Gaffers lose it again. Must be tough, especially with your own teammate dissing you all over the World Wide Web!" Chris laughs.

I know one thing, I am not getting sent home. I didn't even get to do anything this challenge because of Chris.


"Voting was tough. I mean, Harold did win us the boxing challenge with his awesome slow-mo skills, so I didn't think it was fair to vote him off. Surprisingly enough, Heather was... Ok. You have to admit, after losing Lindsay and Beth, she lost her mean girl mojo- and by mojo, I mean she's not the biggest b*tch in the competition anymore, and I guess  she has been playing fairly. During Island, she cheated and manipulated her way to fourth place. I had no other choice than to pick between Duncan and Leshawna. I know Leshawna and I are in a weird place right now, but I need to think about what's best for the team. She caused such a big rift between everyone, and our team really suffered because of it. Do you know how humiliating it is to lose to someone like Justin?! As for Duncan, I just don't know. All he does is cause chaos and drama. Do we really need that?"


"Hey!" Leshawna yells at Chris. "I got enough problems without you mixing things up!"

"Heather, you gotta feel awful over your humiliating loss to Beth on the badminton court. Heather?" Chris says to her.

"Sorry, I'm trying to remember what feeling awful is like."

"Duncan might remember, seeing as he lost to a girl... in wrestling!"

"She's not a girl, she's Courtney! It's a whole 'nother thing."

"Malibu," Chris says, turning his attention to me. "You and Beth, I never thought I'd see the day you two would fued. I'm Team California."

I frown when he winks at me. Oh, he's so funny. I'm being sarcastic if you can't tell.

"There is no fued," I say as I roll my eyes at him.

"Sure," he says sarcastically with a laugh.

I'm so sick of him using us for views. This is what 'Total Drama' and Chris McLean do to people, and I'm sick of it. I never had an issue with Beth, but it's like this show has turned her, turned everyone, into something totally different. It's unfortunate, really. I formed some great friendships on this show, and now most of them are rotten. I never thought in million years that I'd have to rat out Gwen when that whole thing with Trent and Duncan went down. See? 'Total Drama' is bad for relationships.

"Harold," he continues. "I'd say you and Mal are the only one here who might be safe."

"Well, Chris. I-"

"Oh, nobody wants to hear it. Just take the statue, you too, California," Chris says as he tosses Harold and I our trophies. "Duncan, you're safe too. Leshawna..."

"Yes?" She asks nervously

"I'm sorry, but... heads up!"


"Heather?! Whoa, I didn't even have to try!"


"What?! You voted me off? Me?!" Heather screams.

TDAM; Book 2 (Total Drama Action, Malibu)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin