Who am i

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Who am I? Who am I supposed to be? well i'm Kiyanne. What are these feeling? what am i supposed feel? i don't know i think i'm supposed to be happy. So i'll be happy. No matter what... If i'm sad my friend get sad... Other feelings don't matter, right? If it's not happiness, then push it away.  I can always be happy right? Atleast in front of my friends? keep a smile on in front of people, be sad while you're alone. But who am i? that's the key question. I'm Kiyanne, but i don't feel like that, i don't feel like HER. Whatever, well i'm going to a new school, in a new town, full of people i don't know, i'm scared, what if no one likes me, just in case no one can know that i like boys and girls. August 12th, 2021, first day of school, i was scared, nervous, but i met two girls, their some fake ass bitches! 2nd hour is where I met Scout and Alex, and a bunch of other friends. "Kiyanne!" "oh, HERE!" who is Kiyanne? I don't feel like her, i don't even know her, I'm Klover, Ollie, or Oliver, that feel right. And i'm not a HER i'm a THEY/THEM. i don't know that girl "Kiyanne" and i never have.

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