I want

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All I want to do is talk to him. I want to text him but I don't. I texted him yesterday morning but I deleted it soon after. All I think about is him. It hurts. I've started eating less, and sleeping more. Sunday night I had a weird dream again. Someone ripped my braces off with out me noticing somehow. It was at my old school but the people I know now. This kid asks me something along the lines of "do you brush your teeth?" And I respond with "yes, everyday." And he just starts laughing. I go into the girls bathroom. Everything is fine until I look in the mirror and open my mouth. My braces are gone, and half my teeth are gone. I start to freak out and go up the hall to the principals office. I tell her what happened and how it had to be the boy who asked the question. We go by the boys bathroom and right by the door on the floor is my braces with my teeth connected to the brackets. I started screaming. My mom takes me to the ortho and then I wake up. I woke up and made sure I had my braces and teeth. Losing teeth in a dream usually means that the person is experiencing some sort of social anxiety and fear of rejection or it is associated with loss and important life changes.

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