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I could feel it in my chest and lungs. It felt like an anxiety attack. I texted someone special, at this point I was crying. This person is dear to me and always will be. I've missed them since they moved. The day that they came and visited me. I was sitting in a corner. When I heard everyone yelling and I got up to go see. I immediately ran back to the corner holding back tears. I miss them so much. I won't be able to see them face to face again. I see them over face time but it's not the same. I just want to cry in their arms. They've been there for me in the depths of my dispare. I miss them. I miss their food. I miss their candy. I miss them. I miss their family. I miss their culture. I miss them. I miss the tea their mom makes. I miss their intelligence. I miss them. I miss how listening they were. I miss their little knickknacks. I miss them, so so so much. I can't even express how much I miss them. The day I found out they were moving I bawled my eyes out. That same night I cried again. If I were to see them right now, I'd bawl my eyes out. I'd sit there with them in my arms crying. I'd hug them and never let go. If I let go they might leave again. I love them, and I always will. They are a big part of my life. They are the reason why I am the way I am. I love them so much. I miss them so much. They told me that there is not a second where they don't miss or think about me. I want to be able to see them again. I don't know why I'm crying about it so much right now. I'm allergic to my tears so it doesn't help. It's not deathly, my face just swells a little and it itches and it gets irritated. I want to see them. I wish they never left.

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