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The day that they gave me the note confessing their feelings for me, I was going to tell them, or write them a note. It was a coincidence, and it's funny, and mind blowing. I can't wait to go to the dance with them. I keep thinking about doing something there, but it depends on how their doing, I will only do it if their doing better mentally, emotionally and physically. I know they don't want to burden me with their feelings and problems, but it's not a burden. They also worry they're too clingy, which I don't think they could ever be too clingy for me. I was talking with Sebastian earlier, it was fun, but they went to the masjid. So it's been an hour. I didn't initially know what a masjid was at first but I know now, it's a mosque or a Muslim place of warship. Then I started looking at restaurants where you sit on the floor or little cushions and eat, then I got hungry, then I saw a "How to eat in Islam" wikihow with pictures. In geography we are taking a little bit about Muslims and Islam, every time we do I think about Sebastian and I want to tell them but I keep forgetting. I know it's dumb for me to get excited for this but here there was no representation for them, they we're judged and oppressed. They were afraid to wear their hijab to school. I've learn so much from them and their mom about them and their religion. There's a terrible stigma about their race and religion. Yet if you're a white, cis, Christian man you have so many rights and no one questions you let alone judges you. It's not fair nor was it ever. I hope their getting treated better at their new school. They got back from the masjid, they said it was good overall. Which I'm glad to hear. I miss them a lot. I can't just go stay the night at their house anymore. They live two hours away. When they left we were on bad terms, I was mad at them. Their so forgiving and I've never said sorry. I'm surprised they don't hate me. They want me in their life and I don't know why.

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