Last night

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Last night I had went into my bathroom and started ripping. I felt like the room was shrinking and that I was suffocating. I wanted to punch something. The past few days I've been putting my hair up in slick back buns so I can't rip it out. It felt like my scalp was bleeding. I was waiting for the bus a few minutes ago and I felt like the world was spinning. I feel like a puppet. I feel like I don't have control over my own decisions. I feel that my life is out of control. I am angry with the universe. Couldn't it make me prettier, skinnier, smarter, more like-able, more mentally stable? No it just had to make me this way. My adopted mom hates me because of my mental illness. She has to comment on how light my skin is. I'm the reason why no one loves me. My biological parents didn't even want me.

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