devi's 1st mother's day

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*Devi celebrates his first Mother's Day with Kamala! Kerstin, Cole and Ella are also in town to celebrate Mother's Day! Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy!

May 8th, 2022

Today is Mother's Day at the Harris-Emhoff household!

Today is Kamala's first ever Mother's Day with Devi, since last year she was pregnant with him!

This year Kamala is a Momala to Cole and Ella and a mom to Devi and Ivy, who is due in July!

Due the busyness during these past few weeks and with Kamala getting over covid a little over two weeks ago, Kamala and Doug want to have a relaxing day at home and just go out to have a special lunch.

Doug's children Cole and Ella, as well as their mom Kerstin flew in from California last night to spend a week with Doug and Kamala.

Cole and Ella want to spend Mother's Day with both their mother Kerstin and Momala Kamala. Cole and Ella also want to spend time with their father and their baby brother.

Last night, Doug set up balloons in the living for Kerstin and Kamala to enjoy for Mother's Day!

Right now, Doug and Kamala are both still fast asleep with Doug sleeping on his stomach and snoring with Kamala cuddling next to him

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Right now, Doug and Kamala are both still fast asleep with Doug sleeping on his stomach and snoring with Kamala cuddling next to him.

Cole is also still fast asleep, experiencing a little bit of jet lag since he doesn't fly often.

Ella is awake and she is currently in Devi's room, playing with him and keeping him occupied.

"You like this teddy bear? It's your favorite stuffed animal! Muah! Muah!" Ella says as she uses the teddy bear to give Devi a kiss.

Devi giggles at Ella and holds the teddy bear in his arms. Ella smiles and gives Devi some kisses.

Devi then crawls onto Ella's lap and cuddles with Ella, causing Ella to smile.

"Whatcha doing? Do you wanna sit on my lap?" Ella says as she holds Devi and begins to smell poop.

"Oh my gosh. Not again!" Ella says with a lined look on her face, causing Devi to giggle.

"Ba ba baaa!" Devi says as he smiles at Ella.

"Welp, looks like I have to change you since nobody else is up right now." Ella says as she picks up Devi and places him on the changing pillow and takes his onesie off.

" Ella says as she picks up Devi and places him on the changing pillow and takes his onesie off

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