Chapter 30 : Distraction

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It could just be me, but the song's chorus fits a certain scene in this chapter💜.

It could just be me, but the song's chorus fits a certain scene in this chapter💜

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Hades had many abilities.

He possessed the Cap of invisibility;

A magical helmet given to him by the cyclops.

He also had control over the Earth's Riches.

And was named keeper of the Souls.


Dimitri softly pried the gamepad from Hunter's hand

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Dimitri softly pried the gamepad from Hunter's hand. He switched off the television, putting the remote along with the gamepad on the Tv stand.

Hunter lay curled up on the sofa, his arm dangling over one side as he silently slept. A little puppy lay by his tummy, tail wagging and jaws open in a long yawn. It lay its head down with a soft whine, attempting to sleep.

A german shepherd.

Zion and I sat around a dining table adjacent to the living room. The fireplace cast a warm glow over Dimitri's home. It was smaller as compared to the Peterson's but still cozy.

Dimitri's parents had gone for a long night out. And since Aunt Callida was probably in Zion's home, we decided to crash here. If the housekeeper saw Liam and Eros, she would definitely ask questions. A lot of them.

"Can Hunter hear us?" Zion ran a finger over the rim of his glass cup.

His face was a bit grim from his first encounter with Pharoah. Losing Zeus' pendant to an enemy had shaken him up a bit. I told him it was now safe with me but that did nothing to curb his tensed state. I didn't feel great either. Zion trusted it to me in case Zeus gains consciousness and tries to end my life. But I failed to keep it safe.

This time...It was tucked in my bra.

"He won't be able to hear a thing," Dimitri whispered, laying a cloth over Hunter and the puppy. He snapped his fingers and almost immediately, a miniature barrier fell over the two. He grinned, feeling proud of himself. "It's soundproof."

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