Chapter 1

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A/N: Let me know what you think at the end! <3

~Gaia's pov~

My grandmother always said I was a magical kid, That I had some kind of magical spirit that lived within me.

I never understood what she meant, I always remember the little embarrassed laugh I let out every time she said it because I had no idea what to say.

I never thought that my grandma was right all along.

My name is Gaia, yes yes, I'm named after the Greek goddess.

My mom had some obsession with Greek mythology but so do I. Can I really blame her?

You're probably wondering why I said "Had" well that's because my mother died when I was 3. I don't really remember much of her. She was a single mom and worked 2 jobs so the one who really raised me was my grandma.

I've lived with her my entire life, and I love her to death but something strange happened yesterday...

"Gaia please come down, dinner is ready!" she called me from downstairs

"Coming nonna!" (Nonna=grandma in Italian)

I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, I saw my grandma stirring something in a pot. I got closer and kissed her cheek, I leaned forward to see what she's making.

"Pasta, good I love your pasta." I smiled softly

"How was your day, bambina?" she asked me

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, my grandma is Italian, her pasta is the best.

"It was okay, I really didn't do much, but I've had a headache all day... I don't know why."

"Aw, bambina, after you eat I'll make you some tea okay?"

"Okay, thank you nonna."

"Now have a seat, I don't want it to get cold."

We both got ourselves a bowl of Pasta and sat down.

"So what is this headache of yours?" she asked with her thick Italian accent

"I don't know nonna, I wish I knew."

"Devi smettere di rimanere bloccato nei tuoi libri fantasy tutto il giorno, uscire, respirare aria. It will be good for you." (You need to stop getting stuck in your fantasy books all day, go out, breathe some air)

"I don't think that's the reason for my headache nonna, but I love my books you know that."

"I know." she responded softly

"You know, I got a new book the other day... It has some witchcraft in it, it's pretty cool."

"Ugh, Cosa farò con te." (What will I do with you)

"Nonna!" I scolded softly with a smile on my face.

"I'm sorry bambina, I know how much you love it, you know, you have a big soul with big energy, I can feel it."

"You always say that to me nonna, may I ask why?"

"I get good energy from you." she answered simply

A knock on the door interrupted us and we both looked at the door.

"Who could it be?"

I got up and opened the door, there was no one there. I peaked out a little seeing if I could see someone but nothing.

I looked down and saw a whiteish letter. It had a red wax stamp.

It looked very formal, I wonder what it is.

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