Chapter 15

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A/N: The song above is the offical song I chose for this book (I do this with all my books by the way. You can clearly see that I like music hahaha, anyway, it's called "Oceans",  surprise surprise. And it's by : Seafret

enjoy! :)

~Wanda's pov~

I couldn't sit still in class, I was so excited to see Pietro. I haven't seen him in so long. So I waited for class to be over already so I could finally see him.

"Wands." Olympia called me "Hmm?"

"You okay?" she asked with a chuckle when she saw the smile on my face.

"Pietro is coming to visit today."

"No way!" she said excitedly and I nodded, "God I missed this idiot."

"Hey!" "Sorry, okay cool, I missed him a lot."

"What are you two on about?" Sage asked, "Pietro is coming to visit today." "Oh really?"

I nodded and she smiled. Pietro is basically their big brother as well, I love their friendship.

After class I rushed outside to the school gate as the girls ran behind me.

"Pietro!" I ran faster than before when I saw him and jumped into his arms, almost knocking him over.

"Woah, hey Wands." He chuckled and stumbled backwards. Wrapping his free arm around me, the other one holding a bag.

He sets me down, "Well hello to you too сестра." (Sister) I giggled.

"Hey Pietro." Olympia and Sage gritted giving him a quick hug.

"Hey." He smiled at them

"Pietro you don't know them so this is Verta," I said and she gave him a small wave. "And this is Gaia." I said and she smiled at him, "Hi." she said shyly. He looked at me for a moment and then back at her, why did he just look at me like that?

"Pietro, Вы получили мои DVD?" (did you get my DVDs?) I asked him and I smiled slightly when I saw Gaia's eyes widened in surprise.

"да." (Yes)

"Sometimes I forget you know russian." Olympia said and I chuckled

"Okay, well I have to talk to my sister over here. It was nice meeting you." Pietro said before grabbing my arm and walking us away from the girls.

~Gaia's pov~

Pietro seems really nice actually, He's nothing like Wanda although they're twins but they have really different personalities.

Wanda is the more mature one, I guess? Like I know Pietro is always on about how he's 12 minutes older than her but she's definitely more responsible than him.

Honestly he seems nice, I wish I had a twin. They seem really close which i'm happy to see because I know there is someone that takes good care of her besides me.

Also I noticed Sage eyeing Pietro ever since he came here. "Sage, you good honey?" Verta asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Hmm let's see, maybe because you're looking at Pietro."

"No i'm not." "Oh please Sage, if you like him just ask him out."

"Sage is too good for him." Olympia suddenly joined in

"He's not my type anyway." Sage shrugged. "Yeah sure."

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