Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long, I was working on something for this chapter you will see it as you read. Hope you'll enjoy!! Don't forget to comment :)

~Gaia's pov~

"Hey Gaia, wait up!" I turned around to see Verta running towards me. "Hey." I answered softly

"You okay?" she asked while smiling, a small frown on her face. "Yeah I'm good, just...getting used to this...all of this."

She smiled softly and brought me into a side hug shaking me a little causing me to chuckle. "You'll be fine Serra."

With her hand around my waist she walked both of us outside. "Where are we going?"

"I want to show you something."

In a matter of minutes I found myself standing next to the old church and looked at Verta with wide eyes. "Are you insane!? We're not supposed to be here!"

"Relax, Just look at this." She slowly raised her arms above her head and closed her eyes. The shiny bright day slowly fading. The sky slowly covered in gray clouds, the sun no longer visible. "Woah." I whispered

"Cool right?" A thunder shook the night sky and it started to rain.

"Verta are you kidding? I'm wearing a white shirt!" she giggled at my panic and covered me with her jaket. "Let's go back inside, drama queen."

I looked at her with a slightly opened mouth and she smirked, "What? You are kind of a drama queen."

"Verta I swear-" The rain got worse and we started to run for our lives. Both of us laughing as we go.

When we finally made it back inside the school Verta bumped into Sage. "What are you two doing? It's pouring outside."

"Yeah we know it was actually Vert-" my words were cut off by Verta sending an elbow straight to my ribs, her face expression not changing at all.

"Ouch!" I whispered

"Okay Gaia go get changed, class starts in an hour and Verta, go find Olympia, she needs to talk to you."

"See you later." Verta said before heading to her room.

I said goodbye to Sage and walked back to my room as well. The thing about Sage is she's really sweet, truly. But she can be a little intimidating sometimes. I do like her though I think she's pretty cool, so is Olympia. but Wanda is just different from them, I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

I walked into my room and saw Wanda sitting on her bed reading a book.

"Oh hey." She said softly

"What are you reading?" I asked

"Oh um, Harry Potter. Wait, why are you soaked? Is it raining?" she asked

"Uh yeah... Which one?" I asked awkwardly

"Prisoner of Azkaban." I sat next to her on the bed and she narrowed her eyes on me. "Get off my bed you're getting it wet!" she said playfully

"Okay okay." I laughed

"What is your house?" she looked up at me, "What?"

"Hogwarts house." I clarify

"Oh, Slytherin. but I think I'm a mix of Slytherin and Gryffindor."

I walked over to the shower, when I got to the door I turned around slightly to look back at her. "Funny enough, I think I'm a mix of Slytherin and Hufflepuff but... who knows." I said before getting into the shower and closing the door behind me.

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