Chapter 27

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 A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the late update but I have so much going on right now. From now on I think I will upload a chapter every saturday, I hope it's okay!

Hope you'll enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote <3

~Gaia's pov~

The school halls suddenly didn't look so empty anymore as we all walked towards the ballroom. It was completely burned, The smell of the thick smoke still somehow hanging in the air.

Everyone was still speechless by the events, no one speaking besides the quiet chats between close friends.

When Ms. Harkness got into the ballroom and all of the eyes followed her movement as Briar followed her every step.

My eyes locked with Briars, she looked sad...I mean how could she not, she was trying to look tough but I could see right through her. When her face straightened up I knew it was just a matter of time before we would get her plan started.

I intertwined my fingers with Wanda's and she turned to look at me. "Are you okay?" she mouthed and I nodded.

"Morning everyone," Ms. Harkness started "I'm sure the past few days have not been easy for any of us, we lost someone really special...Avira Cade was taken from us way too soon. I know you may be confused or scared but this is the time to go back to normal...well...almost. From now on self defense in both physical and magic will be compulsory classes."

What the hell is she talking about?

"As for this side of the school, no one is allowed in here. The classes will be transferred into the building only and your phones will be taken for as long as I decide to. No calls for now."

The quiet place quickly became loud with complaints and doubts about the new rules as Ms. Harkness tried to quiet them all.

"Did I hear her correctly?" Olympia asked as she came to stand next to us.

"Sadly...I think you did."


"I can't believe we're in this class." Sage complained

Self defense, not really Sage's cup of tea. She would rather read a book or study in her room than drop people to the floor.

"Believe it or not, we are." Wanda sighed

"I wonder why, do you think it means that we're preparing for something?"

"Ms. Harkness would have said something right?" Verta asked and Olympia chuckled

"Please, she would rather lie to your face than do anything else. Sometimes I think none of this is true."

"None of what?"

"All of this...this school, these classes, I don't know. Sometimes it seems like a big fake, I believe it's something bigger than that."

"What do you mean-" "Good morning class." I was interrupted by the teacher

"Have you seen her before?" I whispered and they all shook their heads no.

"Today we're gonna focus on fighting and physical self defense. I'm gonna tell you who your partners are. Olympia Cooper and Verta Chambers."

Oh this is going to be interesting.

"Wanda Maximoff and Sage Austin." "Rose Blake and Natalia Jones." She kept reading the pairs from her list until she finally got to me.

"Gaia Serra and...Briar Frost."

Oh you gotta be kidding me.

"Get into pairs please, we're getting started."

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