Chapter 23

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A/N: Hello everyone! This chapter is a little emotional and a little fluffy. T.W: Nightmare

There is an important question at the end, please answer it!

Hope you'll enjoy <3

~Wanda's pov~

After what happened yesterday I couldn't fall asleep, none of us could. We spent the entire day in our room, since we weren't allowed to go out and it is now about 3am.

Ms Harkness said that the classes are off until next week, trying to sort everything out.

There is a rumor going around at the school saying that the people who attacked the school years ago are back. And they're the ones that killed Avira.

I still can't believe she's dead, I've never seen Briar so...empty before.

She used to go around the school halles with her head up high, acting like she's better than everyone but she won't even lift her head from the ground, even if someone is calling her.

And Gaia... Gaia has been up all night with nightmares. After they put off the fire and it was safe to go back into the school, we all were sent straight to our rooms. I was practically holding Gaia all the way there so she wouldn't fall.

And all of this mess happened on her birthday. I really thought it would be an amazing day. I was planning...never mind it doesn't matter right now.

The fire burned out the entire ballroom. The room is still there but every single inch of it is burned out. I can't say that I'm calm, because I'm not, but my top priority right now is Gaia. She's been through too much.

I lay on my side, watching Gaia as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Should I wake her up? She's been up all night with nightmares, and now another one?

Maybe it will pass.

"Wanda." she mumbled in her sleep. "Wanda please. please." she started to cry out. I have to wake her up.

"Baby... Gaia, I'm here it's okay, I'm right here." I said and shook her shoulders gently not wanting to scare her.

"Gaia, wake up my love, it's just a dream."

"Baby, I'm here next to you."


Her body flinched as her eyes opened slightly, her ocean blue eyes filled with unshed tears breaking my heart.

"Wanda?" she whimpered, her bottom lip quivering

"I'm right here baby, are you okay?" My heart clenched painfully as she tried to answer my question with quivering lips and a shaky voice.

"I- I thought I lost you." she whimpered and clenched the sheets around her, hugging herself tightly. "No baby, it was just a dream, I'm here with you, you're okay."

"Can you- can you please hold m-me."

My heart is completely shattered as I watch her beg for me to prove to her that I'm real. "Please..." she pleaded

"Come here baby." I said softly, taking her quivering body into my arms, she flinched slightly as her body shook with sobs.

"Shhh, it's okay baby. You're safe in my arms, I won't let anything hurt you."

"I- I- I thought, I- thought you were going to die in the fire and- and I couldn't do anything to help you and I-" she started to ramble, her breathing getting quicker.

"Hey, hey it's okay, nothing happened to me, I'm okay, I'm safe, please breathe for me my love."

"I'm- I'm trying." she let out through quick breaths

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