Chapter 8

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A/N: Don't forget to comment and vote :) Hope you'll enjoy <33

~Gaia's pov~

Wanda's face shows nothing but pure confusion after what I just told her. I told her everything that happened in the basement with Verta.

"'re telling me you and Verta found a secret basement and Ms Harkness caught you on the way out?" she asked, trying to see if she understood everything.

"Yeah, Pretty much."

"What did she say?" I could see the nerves in her eyes. "She said that next time we should go with you or Olympia so we won't get lost."

"You told her you got lost?" she asked and hit her forehead with her palm. "Yeah..."

"You know she's not...that dumb do you?"

"Blame it on Verta, she said it first! I had to play along!"

Wanda chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You two are lucky you're new here, I don't know how you found this basement but you're lucky she didn't caught you when you were still inside."

"Wanna read together?" I asked, completely changing the conversation. She tried to hide her amused smile but I could see it clearly. "Sure." She motioned me to scoot closer to her, I sat next to her on the bed, Her blanket covering us both.

She pulled out a book from behind her pillow and I narrowed my eyes at her when I noticed the little flower sticker on the bottom of it.

"That's my book."

"And?" she smirked. "And it's one of my favorites so I would appreciate it if you'll tell me you took it." I try to be serious but can't help but smile widely.

"Now you know." she giggled before opening the book. "Read for me?" she asked softly and I nodded before looking at the clock.

Oh it's pretty late.

"Okay, lay down, I'll read you a bedtime story." I said in a slight baby voice and she laughed and hit my arm playfully. She laid her head on her pillow getting comfortable while I was sitting beside her with my back against the wall.

"Comfortable?" I asked softly and she nodded her green eyes locked on me.

(This book is little women)

"In order that we may start afresh and go to Meg's wedding with free minds, it will be well to begin with a little gossip about the Marches." I started to read to her softly

I noticed her attention moved to my moving lips as I read to her.

"And here let me promise, that if any of the elders think there is too much "Lovering" in the story, as I fear they may."

I kept reading to her, page after page. Her attention not leaving my face and lips for a moment. When I got to the 7th page I yawned and looked at her. Not really to my surprise I was met with soft snores from the sleeping beauty. Her features looked so soft in the moonlight.

I made sure to place a bookmark inside the book before closing it and placing it carefully back behind her pillow.

It was late. really late actually, but I couldn't get up as my legs were trapped below hers.

Should I wake her up? but she looked so peaceful like this.

Finally realizing that there is no way for me to get up and go to my own bed I laid down beside her, making her move in her sleep a little.

When my head hit the pillow all of the exhaustion hit me at once and my eyes flattered close. I felt Wanda move again and before I knew it she was cuddled up to me, her face stuffed into my neck.

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