Chapter 28

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A/N: Hey everyone!!  I'm sorry for the late update!!

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter <3

~Wanda's pov~

I don't know how long it has been, or where I am right now but I ran and ran and I couldn't stop.

I just can't hurt her, I can't hurt them.


I went through the pages of the book. I read every single word without missing a single detail. My eyes moved franctly as I read through the pages, the scarlet witch, the multiverse, chaos magic.

I was meant to rule everything, But that's not what I want. All I want is to be with Gaia.

How can we ruin each other? She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't stay here, I won't let anything happen to her.

Pietro. I need Pietro.

My eyes drifted towards the book again as I wiped my tears almost without any luck. I need to find a way to get to him.

I used my powers to try to search for him in this reality in hope that maybe he is here somewhere.

"Wanda Maximoff." I jumped in my place and looked around, there was no one there.

"My name is Charles Xavier, I'm sure your brother Quicksilver told you about me."

Who the hell is quicksilver?

"Ah yes, Pietro, I apologize for the misunderstanding."

Can he hear my thoughts?

"Yes Ms. Maximoff, I'm a telepath, just like you. You need to listen to me, meet me tonight at the island of Genosha, your brother and I will be waiting for you."

~End of flashback~

I don't know where I am. All I care about is getting the hell away from the school and finding Piero.

God, Gaia must be worried sick.

~Gaia's pov~

"Gaia calm down please." Olympia pleaded as I passed around the room, the worst things that could've ever happened rushing through my mind.

"I can't calm down Olympia! I don't know where she is, and It's not like she has a phone she can answer to. What if something bad happened to her? What if she's hurt? Oh god, what if- what if they kill-" I rushed through quick breaths as tears started to pool out of my eyes.

"Hey, hey it's okay Gaia, I need you to calm down."

"H-how can I calm down?" I sniffled "She could be dead somewhere right now, and I can't help her." I sobbed

"I'm so stupid! I could've gone with her! Why did I leave her alone!?" Olympia placed her hands on my upper arms and crouched in front of me as I sat on the bed.

"Gaia look at me." My eyes locked with her comforting brown eyes, "Good, I need you to take a breath okay?"

I nodded slightly looking straight into her eyes and took a deep breath with her. "Good, one more time." We breathed together again, "Good, keep going, you're doing amazing."

I saw her smiling sadly at the girls, "Sage, Verts can you get me some water and something sweet?" She asked them

"Of course." They both rushed to the small fridge and got me a bottle of water and a chocolate bar.

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