Chapter 34

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A/N: Hello beautiful people! We have one more chpater left until the end!! (And until the christmas special)

Get yourself readyy ;)

Don't forget to comment <3

~Wanda's pov~

"Do I know you?" I asked and shrunken backwards as she came closer to me.

"I'm gonna make sure you'll regret ever showing your face here."


"Who are you?" I asked with a confused face. I genuinely had not a bit of an idea who she was and why she wants to hurt me.

I noticed the necklace that hung around her neck, why am I... Never mind, My brain is going insane right now.

"Wanda go! Now!" I heard Pietro's muffled screams and turned around to see if he's okay. Which was a stupid idea becasue when I turned around she was already up in the air, aiming her sword towards me.

I quickly blocked her with my powers, not even thinking twice pushing her backwards. She used her sword to stop herself from falling over while she slid backwards on one knee, her sword making the same crackling noise as before.

Before I knew it Pietro and Jean were in front of me trying to get her as far away from me as they could. "Wanda, you need to get out of here." Jean told me


"What do you mean no?"

"No I mean, No. I'm not going to go somewhere "Safe" just because of a little amnesia, I'm staying here."


"I said no, Jean." I quickly flew above her hitting the brunette woman across her face, knocking her down to the floor.

She chuckled and spit out the blood from her mouth before looking at me. "That's the best you got?"

"You haven't seen anything yet."

I was going to strike again but just then she was pulled back and another woman stood in front of me.

"About time you got here," she said with a smirk. "I've waited too long for this, watching you destroy each other now that's some real fun if you ask me." she laughed

"Agatha shouldn't have stayed in my way, oh well she can't really stop me from the grave." she smiled and snapped her fingers.

Everything went black.

Where the hell did everyone go?

I tried to pinch myself in the arm, trying to wake myself up from this...whatever this is but no luck. I knew that I wasn't unconscious. I was in full control. So what the hell is happening?

Then a glow of light blurred my vision, and I closed my eyes but quickly acted up when I heard a scream.

I blocked whoever this was with my magic but she was able to slice my arm making a big scratch and I screamed in pain.

And still, all I could see with all this darkness was her blue eyes.

~Olympia's pov~

I must say I was getting pretty invested with Gaia's books. I am already at the end of "The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo"

I'm still waiting for Sage to wake up. I always make sure she's breathing, I haven't slept since we woke up after Gaia attacked us. I can't sleep knowing she's hurting and my friends are not safe somewhere out there.

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