Chapter 12

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A/N PLEASE READ: Hello beautiful people, today is a very special day. It's been a year since I posted my first story here on Wattpad.

The amount of love and support I got on all of my books is still so surreal to me and I really never thought that it could ever happen. I've met some wonderful people here and I love you all so so much.

To celebreat this day I'm gonna be posting two chapters today, this one and another one that I'm writitng right now! I really hope you'll enjoy! <33

~Gaia's pov~ (The next morning)

"Wake up baby." I whispered softly in Wanda's ear. She was currently fast asleep, we ended up sleeping in after our nap yesterday and we missed dinner.

The girls probably wonder where we were but oh well, I couldn't care less when I have her in my arms.

After my little panic yesterday after our kiss I feel a lot better. Sleeping definitely helped, my mind is not racing anymore and waking up and seeing her in my arms first thing in the morning did... a lot of things to me to say the least.

It feels right, it feels good. It feels so goddamn good.

"Sweetheart... Wanda, we have class in like an hour." I tried to wake her again. I started to prepare kisses on her forehead and cheek as she started to stir awake.

"Good morning." I whispered softly

"Hmmm, this is my new favorite way to wake up." she said in a raspy morning voice.

"Oh really? I guess I'll have to wake you up like that every day then."

"Hmm- mmm," she leaned in to kiss me but I moved back, when she looked at me confused I smiled, "I didn't brush my teeth yet."

"Do I look like I care?" I laughed, "Oh- okay than I- hmm." I was cut off when she pulled me into a kiss.

"Good morning my beautiful ocean."

"Hmm very good morning indeed." "You have to say it back." she said with a little pout. "Good morning my beautiful shore." I said softly and she smiled.

"We have to get up, we'll be late for class."

"Why can't we stay here forever?" "I promise you baby, If I could stay like this forever I would but we have to go."

"I know."

"Come on, up." she prompted and got up offering her hand to me. I happily took it and she pulled me into a cuddle hug.

She kissed my forehead multiple times, making my whole body heat up.

"Okay, now we really have to get ready."

~Verta's pov~

"Where are Wanda and Gaia? They didn't show up to dinner yesterday and now they're almost late." I asked Olympia and Sage

"Don't worry too much about it, they'll show up." Olympia said confidently as if she knew exactly where they were.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll show up any second." Sage said

Do they know something I don't?

Just then Wanda and Gaia came rushing into the classroom, both of them smiling like they're high on something. Wanda sat next to Olympia and Sage in the front row and Gaia sat next to me.

"Ouch! what was that for?" Gaia asked when I hit her arm

"Where were you yesterday? I was worried about you asshole."

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