Christmas special 3: Con la brisa

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A/N: Hello everyone!! I know I haven't updated in a bit but I'm back!

May I just add that the new Black panther was absolutly breath taking! It was so sad and I was sobbing the whole way through but it truly felt like an art.
The whole shoudtrack was amazing but I fell in love with this song!  

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy, Don't forget to comment!! :)

~Wanda's pov~

"Baby...sweetheart wake up.." I whispered softly in Gaia's ear and kissed around her face softly.
"Merry Christmas angel." I kept whispering softly in her ear and she flinched slightly making me worried.

"Are you okay?" I asked and brushed my hand over her cheek.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." she said quickly

"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked worriedly

"No, no I'm okay, I promise." I saw she wasn't in the mood to talk so I just let her be. I'm gonna talk to her later.

"Merry Christmas my love." I said and leaned down to kiss her lips softly, she looked hesitant but kissed me back before whispering, "Merry Christmas baby."

"It's our first Christmas together." I said and snuggled into her neck, she giggled softly. "It is."

All of us knew we didn't have any gifts for each other because we haven't left the house since what happened but what Gaia doesn't know is that I made her a little something and also planned for us a very...interesting evening.

"Should we go downstairs?" she asked

"No, you're comfy." I mumbled and snuggled further into her neck even though I was as close to her as possible. She giggled and rubbed my back in soothing circles.

"Okay, five more minutes and then we go downstairs, I don't want to keep them all waiting."

"M'kay." I mumbled and kissed her cheek before snuggling back into her neck, clinging onto her as she brushed her fingers through my hair.

"You know I love you more than anything right?" I asked softly and she looked down at me. "I know, I love you more." she said before kissing my forehead.

"And you know you can tell me anything..." she nodded, "...Why did you flinch?"

"When...?" I looked up into her eyes. "Baby..."

"Fine I uh, I dreamed about you again. You were sitting in our dorm room on your were holding a book, it was Little Women wouldn't even look at me and when you did your face was full of blood and then you woke me up so...that's why I...flinched."

I sat up and looked at her, my baby has been through so much. "Honey...I'm so sorry you have to go through this."

"It's fine." she brushes me off. "But it's not, you don't deserve this."
She stayed silent and my eyes widened. "You don't think you deserve this...right?"

"I hurt you- all of you. I almost killed Sage! I almost killed You!" she raised her voice

"Gaia, you do not deserve this! I don't care what happened, it wasn't your fault and you don't deserve any of this, do you hear me?"

"Sorry." she said quietly. I realized I raised my voice a little out of frustration and sighed. "No, no I'm sorry I just- You don't deserve any of this, you deserve to be loved, you deserve to be at peace with yourself."

She looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and sniffled a little. "Sometimes I don't believe you're real."
"Well I am, I am real and I am right here."

I pulled her closer to me in a bear cuddle and squeezed her tight. "Mmmm I love you so much." she giggled. "I love you too."

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