Chapter 2

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~Wanda's pov~

"Didn't Ms.Harkness say that your roommate is Gaia Serra?" Sage asked

"Yes... and?"

"Do you think that she's THE Serra?"

"Sage, what are you talking about?" Olympia asked

We were all currently in detention, and to say we were bored will be an understatement.

"Are you kidding?" Sage used her powers to make a book appear in front of her.

"This is Alessandra Serra, she was one of the most powerful witches in history."

"But that was dacets ago, Sage, she can't be her mother or something."

"You're right...but do you remember the huge fight that happened here 16 years ago?"

"Yes... and?" "Which professor got killed?"

Olympia and I looked at her with wide eyes, "Martina Serra." we both said in union


~Gaia's pov~

I was in my own head for the entire day. I was packing my bags but I seriously have no idea what I took.

I'm so confused since what happened last night, Me, Gaia Serra, a witch? and to top it all off I am apparently the last one from a whole legacy of witches.

I feel betrayed, you see I love my nonna very much but I can't look at her the same anymore. She lied to me.

"Hey, don't get too much into your head bambina, you're going to do great."

"Nonna, Please just...let me at least prosses it, I found out my whole life was practicly a lie, my mother didn't die of cancer, she died to protect some stupid school and-"

"Listen I know you're upset and confused but it will be good for you." I sighed and closed my bag.

"Nonna can you...can you show me your powers? Please?"

She looked at me quite shocked about the request, I mean it's awesome to be a witch but until yesterday witches were only in my fantasy books.

"Fine..." she walked over to the kitchen where she kept a lot of plants and took a wilted flower in her hand.

She placed her other hand on top of it and whispered something under her breath, I looked at her mesmerized as a pink flair covered her hands as she opened them revealing a blooming flower.

"Wow..." Is all that came out of my mouth and she chuckled

"Can I do that too?" I asked

"No bambina, you'll have to figure that out at school."

We both turned towards the door when we heard the bus honk.

Nonna hugged me tightly, "You're going to be great bambina, I love you."

"I love you too nonna." She pulled away and kissed my forehead a couple of times.

Here we go.

~Wanda's pov~

"Okay, listen Wands all you need to do is focus, you have that in you, just relax." Sage told me.

"Yeah, easy for you to say." "Do you want my help or not?"

"Fine." I sighed and closed my eyes. I did my best to concentrate on the spell, repeating it over and over with my head.

Suddenly the pen flew across the room and into my hand.

Oceans apart (Wanda Maximoff x OC)Where stories live. Discover now