Chapter 35

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The plot will continue in the first part of the christmas special and then all of you come into the picture, If you have any requests for something you would like to see the girls do at christmas comment here! <3

Let me know what you think at the end :)

~Verta's pov~


"Nonna nonna cosa ci fai qui? ho pensato-" (Grandma what are you doing here? I thought-)

"Sei stato qui tutto questo tempo?" (Have you been here all this time?)

"Sì, voglio dire no, siamo tornati dalla Francia anni fa." (Yes, I mean no, we returned from France years ago)

Excuse me, since when Briar speak Italian fluently? What the hell is going on?

"Bambina...what have you done?" Alessandra asked when she looked at Gaia who now stopped moving since Briar ordered her to.

I looked at Wanda, she was bleeding from her arm, and when she looked back at me I got no reaction from her. She doesn't remember us either?

"What do you mean?" Briar asked, "How could you do this to your family?"

Briar looked at her with wide eyes, "Family? Mamma is dead nonna. papà left me here long ago."

Alessandra looked at Gaia, her face complete blank, reflecting her exact emotions. "Did you know you had an aunt?"

"Aunt? my mamma wasn't your only child?"

"Your mamma, Amalia, was my first born...but I had another daughter, Martina."


"Gaia is my granddaughter too, she's your cousin."

Oh hell no.

~Sage's pov~

"Pia...Sweetheart? baby? Earth to Olympiaaa?"

"Hmm, what? Sorry I was just thinking." I traced her face with my fingers and smiled, "What are you thinking about bug?"

She blushed, "I don't know I just... what if something really bad happened to the girls and we're here, not helping them?"

"Pia, we've done a lot. You have done so much, you kept me safe, you kept me alive, I truly believe that the girls will get out of this, I know they will."

"How can you be so sure?" she asked with a trembling lip as tears started to pull from her eyes. "Hey no, no tears look at me." I cupped her face and wiped her tears with my thumbs and she whimpered. "Shh shh shh, it's okay bug."

"I'm so tired." she sobbed out

"It's okay baby, it's okay. come here, hug me tight." She wrapped her arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her neck, one of my hands holding her head close to my heart.

"It's okay, let it out." I comfort her

"I shouldn't be the one crying right now, You- You were hurt and almost-"

"Shh Pia breathe... your feelings are valid, don't ever apologize for crying. You've been through a lot, and I know it's your big heart talking but it's okay, i'm okay. We're okay."

"I love you." she whispered against my chest

"I love you too, bug."

~Wanda's pov~

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