Chapter 9

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This chapter is deticated to romanoffxwanda  go check her stories!! they are incredible! especially if you haven't read Emerald eyes yet, it's amazing!!!

I decided to spoil you all with another chapter! Hope you'll enjoy <3

~Olympia's pov~

After we all finished eating we headed back to our rooms. We agreed on going in small groups so we won't look suspicious. Sage, Verta and I will wait for Wanda and Gaia to get there and will head our way.

I don't know why Wanda wanted to be with Gaia, no no, she insisted on being the one who goes with Gaia to the basement first.

They spend a lot of time together lately, I mean Wanda is my best friend so I'm a bit jealous, don't tell her I said that. But I feel like there is something more going on between them, Wanda is hiding someshing and I'm going to get it out of her.

I actually like Gaia, she's really nice. But Verta and I are closer. I mean she's my roommate and all but we actually get along pretty well.

Since Sage moved to Briar's room she became kind of...distant? I don't know. We used to be super close and talk every single day. I mean she's still my best friend but she's been so quiet lately and closed about her feelings.

I love Sage, she was one my first friend here after Wanda, she used to be so bubbly and talkative but something in her shut off.

I guess I have a lot to talk about it with both of them.

"How long has it been?" Verta asked

"Umm, about 10 minutes, I think we should get going."

We got up from the bed and headed to the door, well except Sage who was staring at the wall.

"Sage." no response

"SAGE!" She flinched, "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Are you coming?" "Oh yeah, sorry yeah."

What is going on with her?

~Wanda's pov~

"Hey Gaia?" I started to talk as we were on our way to the basement


"Did you ever feel like... Like you wanted to hang out with someone all the time, like being around them makes you feel good."

"Yeah I, I actually have."

"What did you do about this feeling?"

"I- well, I'm still figuring it out." she said as a light blush covered her cheeks.

I don't know what's going on with me, I never felt like my body craved someone's touch and attention so much as I feel when I'm with her.

Yes I think I can finally admit to myself that Gaia is special to me, but like...I don't know. This feeling is new to me, and it's kinda scary if i'm being completely honest.

I know I should maybe talk to her about it, but I can't. I'm not really good at sharing my feelings. I don't even know what I'm feeling.



"You okay?" she asked in a soft voice, her blue eyes sparkled a little in the sunlight coming in through the big windows covered in white curtains.

"Yeah, I got a little lost in my head there." I chuckled softly and she smiled.

"You know...if you need to talk to me you can right?"

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