What he does when your on your period

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Darry - MF DOES EVERYTHING FOR YOU LIKE ANYTHING YOU ASK FOR YOU WILL GET, he cooks all your meal and get you presents and pads/ tampons. HUGS AND COMPLEMENTS

Sodapop- cuddles you for hours can not keeps his hands off of you (in a good way) gets you chocolate from the DX and gets you pads but Steve makes fun of him

Dallas- doesn't care at all but he steals stuff for you and acts like he bought it (but you already know he stole it) asks what pussy size you are but doesn't get you pads cuz he has a reputation.

Ponyboy- reads to you and hugs/ kisses you a lot and would ask "does it hurt?" And freaks out when he sees blood in the Toilet and thinks that your dying.

Johnny- MF IS PANICKING. He thinks that your dying and you have to explain to him that it's just your period. When you ask him to get you pads he freezes up and has not fucking clue what to get. Give you hugs and SO MANY KISSES

Steve- gets you pads from the DX and refuses to get you tampons cuz "you might like that in you better than me but we all know that's impossible" still is super sweet and watches tv with you.


HEYYYY I'm working on part two for johnnys thingy :)

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