Insecurities- sodapop

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i was at the DX waiting for my boyfriend soda to get over with his shift I look over and see a mustang with a bunch of soc girls, I'm not gonna lie they where beautiful, blonde hair, perfect body's, perfect hair.

They get out of the car and walk into wear soda was working I didn't think to much of it I just thought they just needed help with there car untill I heard giggling "omg your so funny soda! And very handsome" one of the girls said, I peak my head around the corner to see the girls all over him, touching his chest and complementing him I could he that he was uncomfortable when one of the girls spoke up "so are you single?" Soda was about to answer when he looked over and saw me staring "hey! Y/n!" He yelled motioning you to come over.

He pushed the girls aside and wrapped his arms around me giving me a kiss on my forehead "hey I'm gonna go finish up a few things and then we can go, ok?" I nod and he left me with these girls whom looked like they where gonna punch me one scoffed as she walked closer to me "you really think that he would like a dirty greaser like you? HA never he's clearly into pretty girls like us I mean your fat, your ugly, and he definitely doesn't deserve you just die already so he can find a better girl" she spat on my shoes and walked away while the other girls where yelling things like 'grease!' 'Ugly' 'watch your back' .

they soon got in there car and left I ran to the back of the building and started crying while thinking the worst things I could ever think of about myself 'they where right I am ugly I am fat I don't deserve him.. I should die' my thoughts where interrupted by soda yelling my name looking for me.

I wipe my tears off of my face and put on my best fake smile and walk toward soda "hey hun- hey are you ok?" He asked cupping my face "y-yeah what do you mean?" "Your eyes are red and puffy and your face is tear stained" I couldn't hold it in anymore I start to break down falling to my knees crying "hey hey hey clam down what's wrong?" Soda gets down to my level and holds me to his chest "you deserve better.."

He looks at me I can see the hurt in his eyes "w-what?" "Your deserve better than me sodapop Curtis I mean look at you your so handsome and funny and amazing and I'm just and ugly fat burden who should just die already so you can be happy.." I see a tear fall from sodas eyes he grabs my chin so I'm looking right at him " y/n don't you ever say that about yourself ever! You are the most beautiful girl in the world your body is like a peace of art and you are so funny and bring light into every room you walk into. I love you so fucking much and if you die I'm never gonna smile ever again because I would know that I just lost the love of my life and the most beautiful amazing girl I've ever met, I love you so much y/n and I wouldn't trade you for the world.." I

start crying harder he kisses me with so much love and passion "I love you so much sodapop Curtis.." I look at him "I love you too y/n y/l/n.."

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