Who said i love you first

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Darry- he did, he was leaving for work and as he was walking out the door he quickly said "i love you" and left

Sodapop- he did, you had just come back from your date (not the first one like the uhh 8th date?) and soda walked you up to your door "i had a really nice time tonight soda" you smile "i had a really nice time too" he gives you a long kiss longer and more passionate than normal "i love you" he says as he pulls away "i love you too soda"

Ponyboy- you do, you both where sitting on top of a hill watching the sunset while pony was reading 'gone with the wind' out loud and then just out of the blue you just said "I love you ponyboy." He blushes like a mad man "I-I-I love you t-too" he shuddered "pony you don't have to say it if you don't mean it you know?" "No! I mean it! It was just so random" he smiles

Johnny-you do, you both where at the lot looking at the stars and enjoying eachothers company when you spoke up "Johnny can I tell you something?" You ask "uh y-yeah of course you can tell me anything" "I love you" there was a small silence between you too "y-you mean it?" He asks you just nod in a response "I love you too y/n"

Dallas- he did surprisingly but on accident, you guys where in the middle of sex when he was about to cum he yells "fuck I LOVE YOU" he yells as he thrust one last time "shit..sorry" you reach up and kiss him "I love you too dally"

Two-bit- you do, you where heading out to go get some more beer "you got your blade?" He asks "yes two" you say holding the knife "ok just making sure" he says giving you a kiss "ok then bye...love you" you open the door and was about to walk out when he stops you "what did you say?" He asks with a more serious tone "n-nothing it's nothing" he cuts you off by kisses you pulling you closer by the waist "I love you too" he says as you pull away.

Steve- he did, he was on his way to a rumble getting ready to kick some soc ass. You kept telling him to be careful and safe and just as he's leaving he stops a bit and walks over to you. He smashes his lips onto yours and whispers "I love you.." you grab his cheek "I love you too.."

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