Them at your wedding

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Darry- it's on the verge of tears from how happy he is, tells you that your the most beautiful girl in the world in his vows, Smiles all day ,"I love you, Mrs.Curtis"

Sodapop- BIG SMILES ALL DAY, so happy that he finally gets to marry the girl of his dreams, won't stop looking at you the whole time, rubs frosting on your nose when you cut the cake.

Dallas- deadass really nervous, but happy at the same time, short vows cuz he doesn't like to show his emotions in front of people. Calls you gorgeous, sex after.

Ponyboy- so so happy all day, the wedding was outside so it can be by the sunset, honestly was so nervous but very excited, was making magic while slow dancing with you.

Johnny- crying so many happy tears, used about 10000 tissues, called you stunning all day, constant kisses on the cheek and lips, was secretly already planning out his future with you and starting a family.

Two-bit- was I awe when you walked through the doors, when you guys kissed he did the lil dip thing, smashes cake in your face, made a big toast.

Steve-was really nervous but managed to keep it in, never stopped looking all day, 1000000000 kisses, made lol jokes here and there, chocolate cake (no questions asked)

This was cute I liked this :)

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