Head over heals- ponyboy

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^^^^play the song when it says to

I was waiting for my boyfriend of 4 years ponyboy to pick me up for our date. I truly do love pony from the bottom of my heart and I don't know where I would be without him, he's my world.

I here the sounds of a car door shut and I ran downstairs to open the door. Before pony could even knock I open the door "woah, y/n... you look amazing.." he says admiring my features "thanks pony your not to bad yourself" I joke causing him to smile and give me a quick kiss.

"So where are we going?" I ask getting into the car "you'll see" he says turning the key and driving off. After a while we get to a large path leading somewhere "pony are you gonna lead me into the woods and kill me or something?" I joke "I would never even think of such a thing" he smiles "come on where almost there" he grabs my hand and starts speeding down the trail.

We finally stop walking and I see a bunch of wood panels making what looks like a dance floor next to it was a radio and to top it all off it was getting to sunset time. I look at him with a wide smile on my face "I know that you always wanted to dance on a real dance floor but was to scared so I made this" he says looking down.

I jump up and pull him in a tight hug "pony I love it.." I whispered in his ear "well let's get dancing" he grabs my hand and pulls my to the dance floor and turns on the radio.

(Play the song now)

He reaches down and grabs my waist holding my left hand staring into my eyes, I could see the love in his grey/green eyes sparkle in the light from the sunset, his blonde hair gold like the sun, and his one in a million smile. We start swaying to the music slowly but comfortably but all I could think about was how much I loved this boy.

Just the thought of him made me blush and puts a smile on my face not having a care in the world. Our hips Swag to the rhythm of the song, feet moving in sync and never breaking eye contact "you know this song always makes me think about you." He says with a blush across his face "really? How so?" I smirk "because I'm head over heals in love with you darling" he smiles I lean in and give him a loving deep kiss "I'm head over heals in love with you too ponyboy Curtis" I say as we pull away

"um y/n?" He looks back down again "yeh?" "May I ask you something?" He ask "of course pony" he backs up a bit and takes a deep breath

"I never thought I could really love someone as much as I love you. We started out as friends, just talking, but over the last couple of years I've truly fallen for you, head over heels. Life is not an easy venture. But with you by my side, I feel I can take on any challenge, I feel I can handle all situations. My heart is tied to yours and I don't wanna live without you. Will you marry me?" He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box with a beautiful ring inside.

At this point I had tears running down my face "yes.." I say slightly "what?" He asks with some concern on his face "yes pony! Yes I'll marry you!" I yell, his face lights up and he slides the ring on my finger. He stands up and pulls me Into a long loving my kiss "I love you so much y/n curtis.." I feel butterflies in my stomach "I love you more ponyboy Curtis"

God I'm head over heals in love with him

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