They caught you fingering yourself

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Darry- blush like hell, try's to hide is boner but he's PACKING so you can still see it,quickly closes the door, asks about it later

Sodapop-stares in awe, kinda upset that it was your fingers making you cum and not him, would walk over and help you finish

Dallas- waist no time walking over to you and fucking you, teases you about it later

Ponyboy-his face is the same shade as a tomato, stares frozen for a bit, then realizes that he's staring and shuts the door

Johnny- oh boy, freezes in place, is not breathing, wide eyes, complete wreck, then runs tf out of there.

Two-bit-smirking like hell "well well well what do we have here?", helps you out, "you know your fingers aren't as big as my dick right?"

Steve- blushes, *boner alert*, "I-I-" , you guys end up having sex

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