Your pregnant and they feel the baby kick

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(I was watching the movie juno when I made this)

Also in this your 7 months pregnant

Darry- your sitting on the couch while Darry is painting the baby's room when you felt a lil kick, you got excited and yelled "DARRY COME QUICK" literally 2.5 seconds later he comes running in "what?! What?! What's going on?! Are you ok??? Is the baby ok??!? What happened??!??" I smile at him and motioned him to come over, he walks over and you grab his hand "feel" is all you could say before he started to smile ear to ear "I can feel it kicking.." he puts him hand over his mouth and eyes and started to cry "awe Darry don't cry" you say while grabbing his hand. He's gonna be a great dad :)

Sodapop- you and soda where lying down on your bed cuddling when you felt a kick "soda look" he lifts his head up and sees your stomach moving he smiles wide and gently placed his hand on your stomach "I can feel it" I look at him and he leans down and kisses my stomach gently before speaking up "hi little one.. I'm your dad sodapop, yeah I know it's kinda a weird name but you can just call me dad.." I laugh a lil at his comment "but in a few months I get to see you and I know that you are going to look just as beautiful as your mommy and I am gonna love you to bits.. and your gonna have amazing uncles Darry and ponyboy and your 'cousins' Johnny and dally and Steve and two-bit, god your love two. And where gonna watch Mickey Mouse and have so much fun and-" he stops when he realized that I was crying happy tears, I knew that this man was gonna be an amazing dad (soda will be a wonderful dad)

Ponyboy- pony was at his desk reading 'Gone with the wind' out loud so i can relax a bit when I soon felt something moving, it was my stomach i smiled and looked at pony " pony your baby's moving if you wanna fell" with in seconds he dropped the book and put his hands on your stomach he smiles wide and kisses you "I still can't believe that I'm gonna be a dad" you put your hand on his cheek "you know what? Your gonna be one hell of a dad" he smiles and kisses you again.

Johnny- you two where at the lot watching the fire when you felt your baby kick "Johnny come feel!" You say he rushes over and looks at you for approval, you nod and he places his hand on your stomach and smiles wide i grab is hand and squeeze it tightly when he starts to cry "oh Johnnycakes what's wrong?" You ask "it's just that- im so excited for this baby to come into this world and for us to be parents but what if im a bad dad?" He wipes his tears away while not making eye contact I grab his cheek and look at him "Johnny you are the best man I could ever ask for and you are gonna be such an amazing dad your sweet and gentle and the love of my life and I couldn't ask for anyone better yo be the father" he kisses me and says "I love you so much" "I love you too"

Dallas- you where sitting on his bed while he was doing whatever you he fuck he was doing when your baby started kick you smile a bit "hey dal your baby's having a rumble in here" he looks up at you and rushes over and put his hands on your stomach he smiles and says "he's a fighter I can tell, no soc is gonna wanna mess with him" I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.


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